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5 Best Uses of Google Web History

As you know Google follows every single keywords while you put it in search field. Throughout this you may access desired websites quite effectively. To ease up process of accessing of particular web, Google has made adequate arrangements. Google Web History is better example of the arrangements made. It is designed to give better search experience every time. Google Web History contains chronological listing of web search made by particular user. It also shows all important keywords you searched and results you get for it. Indeed Google Web History is an important built-in application with Google endorsed web browser. Now, I am going to point out 5 Best uses of Google Web History application.

1. Use Google Web History for Memory Recall

Deleting browsed web pages and clearing all temporary files  are common phenomena in cyberspace. Users generally think it is best way of getting maximum Internet speed. Slightly they are right, but cleaning web history evades him to quickly access particular web page. In other words Google Web History memorizes all browsed information consequently saves precious time. You may use Google Web History application for memory recall purpose.

2. To use Google Web History for Bookmarking Rationale 

Google Web History contains plenty of web pages browsed during every single time. Users may pick out all important web pages out of numerous web pages to access easily next time round. They may easily Bookmark important web pages after clicking on star like icon next to search result.

3. Remove Precise Search Queries 

To keep privacy matter intact, you can remove personal search queries from Google Web History. The purpose of removing specific search queries could be done after applying check mark against these items.

4. Pause Google Web History 

Whenever you need to do searching activity without recording history, you may activate Pause Google Web History feature for a while. To stop Web History recording, you need to click on gear icon then after follow Setting Page and click on Pause button.

5. Get Idea about Surfing Habits 

Google Web History is helpful on accordance searching activity done by users. The searching trends like: Top Searches for day, Most visited Websites etc are more helpful to get exact idea of surfing habits of users.

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