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7 minute Workout Windows 8 / 10 app to Boost Up Fitness Level in short time

7 Minute Workout is wonderful free application of windows 8 which helps you in increasing the fitness of your body. The interface of this app is neat and clean. Designers have developed this app for those who don’t have enough time to go to gym and perform exercises to build up their body. This app has been created to help users in keeping them fit in a combination of 7 minutes only which could be adjusted by anybody. It consists of a timer which starts running once you tap to begin this app in your windows machine.  A screenshot of this app is shown below:

7 minute workout Windows 8 app

You could have access to this app from the Sports Category of windows 8 Store. You could also have this app from the link provided at the last of this article or you could just search its name using windows charm (Win+I) option.

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How to use 7 Minute Workout App

Once this app is installed properly on your windows machine, a window will appear in front of you asking you “Tap to begin“. Clicking or tapping on this tab will open up a new screen that would run for a sum total of 7 minutes. In these 7 minutes, it will ask you to do certain exercises in a complete set up which is designed in a very pleasing manner with a certain fixed interval of time and a fixed number of setups. In the screenshot shown above, you could see a window showing Jumping Jacks with its number and total interval of time. If you look towards the bottom of the screen, you will be able to see the total time remaining timer, which shows you the number of minutes and seconds remaining for the set of exercises to get completed. Here, you could also see that the next exercise which is going to appear is shown in advance so that you get an idea about what you will be doing next.

There is a facility provided in this app and that is you could Pause any exercise going on to take a little rest. By Default, it consists of 6 combination of exercises which it displays in front of you to do it. They are Jumping jacks, Wall Sit, Push-up, Abdominal Crunch, Step-up on to chair and Squat. This six is a proper combination to give an all-around exercise for your body. However, if you wish to you could change their order, add some other exercises or remove some of the exercises too just by moving to its settings option. Note that after each of the above-mentioned exercises has finished, it will provide you a time interval of 10 seconds to take rest. However, you could also change the time intervals using the settings option of this app. Its settings option consists of a large number of exercises. You could select some of them to add to your own page of this app.

This app also provides videos for each exercise so that you could perform it in a very well position with the right posture. The control bar of this app could be accessed using the right key of the mouse on any empty space of this app. The control bar like the other windows 8 app comes out from the bottom of the screen. It consists of three options Stop, Help and Settings. Clicking on the help option will tell you the details about the exercises which are set currently to this app for your fitness. The rest two are self-explanatory.

Key Features Of 7 Minute Workout App

  1. An absolutely free Windows 8 app as well as you can use it in a very simple manner.
  2. Uncluttered Interface and is self-explanatory.
  3. Supports On timer while doing exercises.
  4. A large collection of exercises.


7 Minute Workout is a very good application allowing you to boost up your fitness level. You won’t have to go outside like: gym for building up your health is its most exciting feature. It is a worth trying app for those who love doing exercises at their home.

Downloading Link:

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