Living in a world where technological advances are the order of the day, we seldom realized how vastly our way of living has changed. Nearly every aspect of our personal and professional life is governed by the technology that we use, in one way or the other. In that case, talking of education, it is that one field which has perhaps benefited greatly from the IT advances and innovations. Gone are the days when bulky books needed reference to understand a particular topic. With the rise of smartphones and OS like Android and iOS, apps have become an important part of the education scenario. In that respect, this article discusses about few such amazing Android and iOS apps that apply for a retrial specifically to engineering students.
Here are the apps listed one by one:
Developed by Multi-educator, Inc., this app aims to supplement for the most basic requirement of any engineer, which is, formulae. Whenever an engineer designs a mechanical, electrical or an electronic part, he/she requires some formulae which are useful in checking the feasibility of the design or to check whether the calculations are correct. Also, the possibility of having to use formulae from any engineering field poses a greater problem. This app caters to that need with it’s store of 650 inbuilt formulae from many engineering fields. 1000 conversion formulas on the other hand, bring about swift conversion from one unit to the other. This app is available on the iTunes.
An Android app built by the Quartic Software, this app aims at fulfilling the needs for a calculator on field. With this app, you have access to numerous important scientific formulas. All complex mathematical equations are solved by this app and results are shown in high-resolution.
This app, as the name goes, is for ME students. The night before an exam or an interview, this app comes in handy as all the basics of ME are explained with CAD, CAM representations. The theories and principles of thermodynamics, kinetics,strength of materials are also discussed and explained. It is available on the iTunes.
Download Mechanical Engineering App
An engineer needs to be a professional who is also aware of the industry happenings as he/she will be at the core of the industry once employed. This app caters to that need. Engineering news app is an iOS app for iPhone that helps students to keep up with the latest happenings of the industry. This helps students to get some ideas regarding their projects, For internship students, this app serves as a boon as they get to know that how the industry works and the latest advances made in industrial technology. You may also look out for podcast, web seminars and relevant videos in this app. This app is available on the iTunes for free.
An Android app, this is what exactly any final year student might need. Depending on your skill and experience, this app updates you constantly about the job opportunities available for you as an engineer in the market. You can submit your resume via this app, so that the right people find you. This app is available for free.
Download Engineer Job App
This is an iOS app that is meant for the civil students. It has all the formulae that a CE student might ever need. Formulae for soil mechanics, structural design and road design are available in this app. It is available on the iTunes.
Download Civil Engineer Formulator App
An extremely helpful Android app, this app hosts a large database (over 5000) of engineering terms with their definitions. This terminology helps get a better grasp at the concepts. It is free of cost.
Download Engineering Dictionary App
8. AndTruss2
An Android app specifically designed for civil and mechanical students, it helps you in using finite elements method to design truss. The GUI is specially constructed to help you visualise your truss.
For Civil & Structural Engineers, i’ve ported two of my iOS apps, [steel shapes] & Steel Beams Bulk Check