Certainly, you have successfully dealt with several issues as professional. When ‘Taxation’ matter comes to deal, you need support on the urgent basis. As Taxation is the most complicated issue to deal with. Latest technology plays an important part to deal Taxation issue with ease. Several smartphones have developed applications that make Taxation exercise as painless as never been. I am to derive a few Smartphone applications that deal with Taxation matter.
1. Tax Organizer
Keeping Tax related receipts at safer place and presenting instantly on time of Tax season rolls has been tough. Tax Organizer app lets you take snap of all important receipts and keep them in an online account. When taxation season rolls, you get informed through email.
Download Tax Organizer (Android Apps)
2. IRS2Go
IRS2Go app lets you check e-filed return status on your smartphone. It permits you to keep tabs on your refund status as well. More importantly, IRS2Go does not charge any single paisa for using this app.
Download IRS2Go (Android Apps)
Download IRS2Go (iPhone Apps)
3. Dictionary of Tax Terms
While filing taxes, you face many problems. Dealing with such problems, which happen commonly in one’s life, the particular ‘Dictionary of Tax Terms’ application has been developed. The app has a deal with more than 600 taxation terms and phrases. It not only helps to follow rules but also aids in taking advantage of every possible deduction. You may load Dictionary of Tax Terms app on your iPhones easily with below link.
Download Dictionary of Tax Terms (iPhone Apps)
4. SnapTax
If you file Tax Return by self, just use SnapTax app on your Android Phone. Its interface allows to fill tax return with simple steps. You have to put answers of tax related questions, which is asked during filling return through this app. The app is absolutely free to use on the smartphone like Android and iPhone.
Download SnapTax (Android Apps)
Here’s a revolutionary tax app. It’s called Tax Quickie. Google it.
It’s available on Android and is designed specifically for freelancers and independent contractors. In a few taps it stores the most common tax deductions like mileage, travel, and office expenses with all the necessary requirements like date, amount, and business purpose. But the reason it is a killer app is because the information gets sent automatically to your own Google Drive spread sheet. You sign in once using your Google email address and password and then a spreadsheet file is created in Google Drive. Every time you enter an expense, the app syncs with the spreadsheet and adds your latest expense to your own file. This spreadsheet can be exported to Excel too. It’s your own info from your phone syncing with your own laptop. Never worry about losing your phone. VERY VERY COOL.