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Cortana Features Scenes and Rules in Windows 10

Cortana On Windows 10 adds 2 new features Scenes and Rules. Microsoft rolls out these fields in the Connected Home section of Manage Skills. Users are able to Set rules and expect the digital assistant to automatically complete the task. Similarly, Cortana will let ask to create an image (scenery) to fulfill your everyday work.

Windows 10 silently got these features and added to 1809, the current version. Cortana is now smarter with these enhancements Scenes and Rules. Let’s have a look at the new functionalities of the voice assistant –

Cortana Features Scenes and Rules in Manage Skill Windows 10

You reach the features through – Cortana => Notebook => Manage Skills => Connected Home => Rules / Scenes.

Cortana Rules allows creating a new rule such as Turn on the living room every day at 5 PM, Turn on the ceiling fan for 30 minutes, Turn off the lights in 30 minutes.

Cortana Rules

So you can use this Windows 10 Feature for your household or everyday work such as limit the temperature of your house, start playing game or turn on your bulbs, etc. Cortana will ask you to do the same at the exact time as you set the rule.

Cortana Scenes lets you create new scenery and Remember this scene as Good Night.

Cortana Scenes

However, for whom these functionalities addressed are still not clear. Windowscentral revealed the capabilities on Android, iOS and Windows 10 devices.

Cortana Features Scenes and Rules in Windows 10 both the Rules and Scenes feature works fine. When examined and it should be suitable for those who want an – If this, then that (IFTTT) type system for their house.

Anyway, Microsoft wants all of its users to enable to use Cortana without necessarily having a device built for Cortana and it kind of makes sense. But unless you are a die-hard fan of this company who relies exceedingly on its ecosystem, there is literally no cause to use Cortana over Alexa and Google Assistant.


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