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Download SafeGmail Chrome Extension to Encrypt Emails

In technology driven world, sending & receiving emails is the best way to associate with someone else. Indeed, mailing system saves precious time as well as hard earned money. Through this angle mailing service is pretty nice to follow but insecurity issue means how much sent mails are safe prevents human to plead for more and mailing activity. ‘Gmail’ well known product of Google, took security issue solemnly and came with perfect solution. It is known as ‘SafeGmail’. It is Google Chrome extension that allow users to send their mail in encrypted mode. As a blog writer, I have made aware you all lots of Chrome Extension in earlier articles, and into this article I will try to discuss ‘SafeGmail’ feature.

It is seen sent email could be intercepted during transmission. Incidents of intercepting mail could be evaded only after encrypting it. ‘SafeGmail’ application allows emails to be shaped up in encrypt mode  and makes more protected. The emails in encrypted mode would be available for specific period of time. After completion of timing emails would be deleted automatically. Certainly ‘SafeGamil’ is worthy application for making mailing activities more secure. Now, upcoming paragraph will display point-wise method of ‘SafeGmil’ installation as well as its proper functioning.

  • To install ‘SafeGmail’ extension, you need to open Chrome browser. Then after navigate SafeGmail extension.
  • You may access downloading link of SafeGmail after following link: Chrome Web store
  • After then click ‘Add to Chrome’ button and allow permission to access all emails.

After installation SafeGmail extension, one needs to log in to his Gmail account and compose a new message and choose the person you wish to send email. Now apply check mark in front of ‘Encrypt’ option, just below to subject line. Then enter security question and answer that only the recipient can answer. At last click to send button to send.

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