How to update the iPhone 5 to iOS 6.0.1

iOS 6 upgrade
Apple has released newest iOS 6 version supported device on September 2012. Now Apple fans are feeling a great zeal with touching new iOS version. According to sources, newest iOS 6 device has enhanced their performances than previous iOS version.  So iOS 6 first updated version “iOS 6.0.1” has come up. Users who have iOS 5 device may update by normal process like OTA (Over The Air) or iTunes services.

First Step

To get start updating process to iOS 6.0.1 in iOS5 device,

  • Start Settings app and tap on General option.
  • Now select Software Update option.
iphone 5 software update

Second Step – 

  • After finishing the above steps, you have download and install iOS updates app on your iPhone 5 device. So tap on Download and Install option.
update iphone 5 to iOS 6

Third Step

  • In few minutes, you get fresh app icon (iOS updater) on your iPhone 5 device. Now you need to reboot your iPhone handset before starting update process. To begin reboot, hold the power button for few seconds.
iphone 5 firmware update to iOS6

Fourth Step –

  • When you switch on your iPhone handset after rebooting, tap on the iOS Updater app.
  • Next a dialog box appearing and tap on OK option.
iphone 5 update to iOS6

Thus you have started update process from iPhone 5 device to iOS 6.0.1 simply and it will be finished automatically.


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