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Know More About RAM / Random Access Memory, Clear your Concept

The storing brain of the computer is the Hard disk, external disks, flash drives and others but the active memory is the RAM or Random Access Memory. Just like a huge space is required to store the files, in the same way, a good amount of RAM space is also required to do the work. So, the best solution is to expand this space by installing more RAM. If the drive light suddenly starts flickering crazily, then it is the time to change it. Let see some of the specifications of RAM.

Finding out the RAM of the computer: To find out how much RAM a particular computer system has: click on Start> All Programs> Accessories> System tools> System Information. On the left pane which appears, click on System Summary. This shows the amount of installed physical memory RAM.

Determination of size of the RAM required: It should be determined conveniently that how much RAM is required according to the work to be done. It should also be determined the type of memory to be bought. For example, if simple surfing of the computer is to be done, or the documents are to be created, then a RAM up to 1 GB would be appropriate. If games are to be played, then memories up to 4GB or 8GB are to be required. Some games even require a specific RAM only dedicated for its graphics.

Determination of type of the RAM required: To determine the maximum amount of physical memory a computer system can handle, the manual provided by the PC owner should be read properly. To find out the module required follow these steps:

  • The computer should be turned off but it should be connected to the plug so that it is automatically grounded.
  • The computer must be placed on a cleaner place and the cover should be removed.
  • The case should be touched so that the person checking it is grounded.
  • The RAM modules should be located, which are green with black tubes on the motherboard.
  • Now is the time to determine the type of module present which can be identified by its appearance.
  1. RDRAM has a metal casing on one side and is paired up.
  2. DDR SDRAM has only one notch but looks like regular RAM.
  3. SDRAM has two notches.
  • It is also important to note down the RAM speed which is usually written on the existing RAM.

Installing the RAM: Follow these steps:

Step 1:  After the power source is shut down, the switch of the CPU must put on to check that there is no residual power supply left.

Step 2:  Open the cover of the deck to locate the RAM’s slot.

Step 3:  Then, the next step is to locate the RAM module.

Step 4:  By lining up the notches of the RAM module, firm pressure is to be applied to install the RAM.

Step 5:  Then, the latch should be closed.

Step 6:  The wires should be connected back, and it should be checked that all the parts are working well. Then, the cover should be placed back.

Hope, this article was helpful in giving you the information about RAM.

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