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Microsoft.UI.Xaml v2.5.0-prerelease.200923002 is available to download

A new prerelease version of WinUI library is releasing with a large number of changes. This is Microsoft.UI.Xaml v2.5.0-prerelease.200923002 that contains fixes for scrollbar, expand chevron flickering, NavView in ContentDialog crash NavView in ContentDialog crash issues.

The utility version is already updated on Github where you can see the full list of changes with navigations.

Microsoft.UI.Xaml v2.5.0-prerelease.200923002 version is available to download

Here is Microsoft.UI.Xaml v2.5.0-prerelease.200923002 changelog –

  1. MUXTestInfra now supporting MSIX as well as APPX.
  2. Fix issue with ScrollBar in HC not being visible.
  3. update Intellisense file.
  4. NavigationView: Close pane in non Left displaymode when selecting an item from AutoSuggestBox.
  5. Fix issue with StartBringIntoView scrolling for items already visible.
  6. Switched AppTestAutomationHelpers nuspec to Release mode.
  7. TeachingTip: Add bindings to propagate properties down.
  8. Adding code to forward the foreground.
  9. MUXTestInfra refactor.
  10. NavigationView: Fix content clipping regression.
  11. NavigationView: Fix crash when launched in Top mode with hierarchical navigation.
  12. Remove code that removed focus visual in SelectionFollowsFocus mode.
  13. RadioButtons: Wrap custom ItemTemplate in a RadioButton if required.
  14. Fix expand chevron flickering.
  15. NavigationView: Fix IsPaneOpen=false ignored on launch when pane is launched in Left expanded state.
  16. NavigationView: Throw exception when a WUX NavigationViewItem is added to it as a menu item.
  17. NavigationView: Solve the overflow button not being collapsed when the overflow menu only includes a single item and NavigationView menu items are eliminated to empty the overflow menu.
  18. Fix issue with display mode minimal shadow missing.
  19. NavigationView: Fix app crash in Top mode when clearing the item collection while a selected item exists.
  20. ColorPicker: Fix app crash when clearing input fields.
  21. .Fixed NavView in ContentDialog crash.
  22. Fix issue with setting SelectedItem on TreeView would crash application.
  23. localization update.
  24. Updated background and border of the popup to match Fluent Design guidelines.
  25. Fix issue with NavigationView ShoulderNavigation always not behaving correctly.
  26. Fix issue with collection change inside item invoked crashing NavigationView.
  27. Add missing controls to toolbox file.
  28. NavView: Expand/Collapse chevron and Overflow button improvements in Top mode.

Source – Microsoft-UI-XAML GitHub.

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