Windows 8, the latest operating system developed by Microsoft, has made people frantic to grab it and use its uniqueness as soon as possible. CThe current market trend indicates that it would be most important phase for boosting business of Microsoft. Certainly, innovation of Microsoft does wonder. Everyone, either Individual or Association is chasing to upgrade their operating to Windows 8. At this time round, leading brand of Mobile Handset, Nokia, launches their new sets with configuration of Windows 8.
In connection of launching Nokia Smartphone, using Windows 8 technology, press meet was organised on 05th September 2012 in New York. On the same occasion, Windows Phone 8 devices was introduced with the brand name of Nokia Lumia 820 and Nokia Lumia 920. As you know that each Windows 8 phone has unique look and feel with Live Tiles and inbuilt features for accessing of Microsoft Cloud Service. The same features ‘Lumia 820 / 920’ an Iconic Brand of Nokia have. Apart of these, Both Nokia Windows 8 phones have features of Pure Motion HD technology. Adorning with HD technology thrills with experiences of smoother, faster and more responsive navigation. Altogether, Windows 8 phone of Nokia is complete device, everyone looking for.
A very neat post??.
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