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How to Open Right-Click Menu for Icons on Taskbar in Windows 10

You will be surprised to know that you can directly Open Right-Click Menu for Icons on Taskbar in Windows 10. Context menu includes a list of options that help you to navigate to different locations on your computer. It is also popular as right click menu among users. Well, you may also love to Customize Desktop Context Menu on Windows 10.

There is a trick using which you will get the context menu of the icons located on the taskbar. The trick is to simply execute a right-click on the taskbar icon and then press certain keys on the keyboard. Applying this technique you can choose to view Classic and Immersive type of menus for the taskbar icons. You can also Enable Narrow Classic Context Menu on Windows 10.

How to Open Right-click Menu for Icons on Taskbar in Windows 10

1. Open Classic Menu through Keyboard for Icons on Taskbar

Step 1 – Press key combination of Win + T and you notice that the taskbar icon gets highlighted. Moving ahead, press the left and right arrow keys and select the taskbar icon of your choice.

Step 2 – Now, jointly press Shift + F10 keys in order to open the right click menu.

Step 3 – Once the Classic menu comes into view, use Up and Down arrow keys to select an option and press Enter to execute its action. Well, the below given image shows the Classic menu if the icon has an open window.

How to Open Right-Click Menu for Icons on Taskbar in Windows 10 Pic 1

Step 4 – Well, the menu displays certain different options if the pinned icon does not have an open window as noticeable in this below screenshot.

How to Open Right-Click Menu for Icons on Taskbar in Windows 10 Pic 2

2. Open Classic Menu

Step 1 – First of all, hold long the Shift key and then perform a right-click on the taskbar icon (For example – File Explorer). After that leave the Shift key and the Classic menu pops up on the PC screen.

Step 2 – Now, in case the icon has an open window, the menu looks something like the given picture.

How to Open Right-Click Menu for Icons on Taskbar in Windows 10 Pic 3

Step 3 – The list of options that pops-up are bit different and more if the pinned icon has an active window.

How to Open Right-Click Menu for Icons on Taskbar in Windows 10 Pic 4

3. Open Immersive Context Menu 

Step 1 – Make a right-click on any of the icons located on taskbar and let its Jump Lists appear on the PC screen. For example – File Explorer

Step 2 – Moving on, keep hold on the Shift key and simultaneously input a right-click on the icon’s name in the Jump list.

How to Open Right-Click Menu for Icons on Taskbar in Windows 10 Pic 5

Step 3 – Release the Shift key and this immediately shows Immersive menu. Finally, click the option as per preference on the Immersive menu.

How to Open Right-Click Menu for Icons on Taskbar in Windows 10 Pic 6

You may feel the need to Open Right-Click Menu for Icons on Taskbar for various reasons. Also, depending on your need, you can choose which type of menu to open – Immersive or Classic. However, the good thing is that the tablet users can also avail the facility to open Classic menu with the help of keyboard.

Winding Up

These right click menu often holds many important options that are needed for the application to run smoothly. This is actually a nice way to keep the application options in one place and that too clutter free. Therefore use any of the three tricks to Open Right-Click Menu for Icons on Taskbar in Windows 10.

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