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PayPal Alternatives: Plimus, OboPay, AlterPay, PayDivvy, CCNow, etc

Every person becomes extra cautious when it comes to the case of money. Who wants their money to be lost in transit? And making online payments and transactions are very sensitive as they are prone to theft. There are quite a number of good thieves whom we in our language call hackers. They are ever ready to peep into others accounts to steal their possessions. But, safety is the field where PayPal is considered to be a hero. It is considered to be the safest website for making online payments. It blocks the accounts even to the slightest mistakes as it is very sensitive. Even the users have to be extra cautious. The accounts are blocked on suspicion. If the rules have never been broken then honesty prevails and accounts can be retrieved back. But if accounts are blocked permanently, then there are quite a good number of alternatives to explore:

1.    Plimus: The Plimus based platform is the best and is far better than PayPal for selling digital products and services. The products can also be sold through affiliates. Plimus Official Website: Click here

2.    MoneyBookers (or Skrill): Its popularity is far better than PayPal. It is based in UK. Its features include sending and receiving payments online. The address and identity can be verified, and the transaction limits can be increased.

MoneyBookers official website: Click here

3.    OboPay: It is presently accessible to people from America and some other countries. It is the best mobile company which helps businesses and individuals to use debit cards and credit cards to accept payments.

OboPay website: click here

4.    AlterPay: The features include making of online payments and transactions and selling of products. It is more popular than PayPal. It is a Canadian company.

AlterPay website: click here

5.    PayDivvy: The features of this website are wide form sending and receiving payments to paying off bills. It provides the feature of splitting the bills between friends and partners. The payments can also be sent or received via the use of debit cards and credit cards. The debit and credit transactions rate to 3.5%.

PayDivvy website: click here

6.    CCNow: It is much safer as it processes the application of the applicant and checks the models of the business before accepting the person to become its user. The user’s customers can even access the account on CCNow with their PayPal account in the absence of the PayPal account.

CCNow website: Click here

7.    Square: it is the best website for small entrepreneurs and freelancers to use their free phone application to make payments by the use of credit cards and the debit cards. It was started in US. It provides a free card reader which can be connected to the phone to swipe cards making transactions easier.

Square Website: click here

8.    Google Checkout: Google Checkout is best for people residing in US or UK in Selling products and making transactions.

Google Checkout website: click here

9.    Dwolla: It makes a commitment of going worldwide but is presently restricted to US. It allows the usage of mobile phones in making online payments and money transfers and charges a minimal fee for it.

Dwolla website: click here

10.   Amazon WebPay: Its version is synonymous to a free version of PayPal. It never charges for online transactions and payments which can be made using the e-mail address. The payments can also be made using text messages through cell phone. The credit cards and bank accounts can easily be linked with it.

Amazon WebPay website: click here.

1 thought on “PayPal Alternatives: Plimus, OboPay, AlterPay, PayDivvy, CCNow, etc”

  1. Thank you for this information! I have found some new options for me, even though this is not a new post. As you describe here, my account got blocked and unblocking it required too much difficult documentation, so I started to look for an alternative. From what you have listed I have experience with Alterpay. Additionally I have been using Paysera system for accepting credit cards and money transfers online.

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