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Photovine: An Innovative way of Viewing Facebook and Instagram Photos

Photovine is an app developed by Google 2 years back. However, it failed to survive for more than 1 year. It is currently being used by iOS to reach it to each and every user. Those of who don’t know about Photovine might be thinking What is this and How does it really work. Well, this article is all about these things.

Photovine is an app used as photo-sharing device. It is an amazing app to see your instagram and Facebook photos. It is a very admiring and unique app, however it is for Instagram and Facebook only.

Photovine, Apple, iOS

Photovine main screen shows a wheel which contains different sections of Social sites from where you can add the photos. The options on this wheel may be somewhat like this 1) your photos on Facebook  2) Your friends photos on Facebook, similarly for instagram and thus continued for others as well.

How does Photovine work:

Well, as said earlier it consists of a wheel which has different sections for different Social sites. Each site has its own subsection like: the photos in which are tagged, the photos liked by you etc. Thus, this wheel consists of the sum total of subsections of different Sites. Let me remind you one thing and that is all the photos or a folder of photos on the Photovine is added by us manually.

How to view the Photos on Photovine:

Once you have selected the photos and arranged them in different sections, you can adjust for their overall look like: snake look, oval look or just simple block look. Once decided, you can just tap or click at them to open the section and then look at your various photos. One more thing you should know that once you are seeing any photo, you can see an icon at the Top. This Top icon (in the figure shown below) indicates the network from which the following photos are being show.

Photovine, Apple, iOS

You should note that the Photovine developed earlier by Google was simple only used for seeing Photos. However, this app of iPhone enables many other features aside with its previous usage like: SlideShow, Choosing music to play with the sliding of images process, and many more. You can make the music to be sung in the background or you might change the music itself in this app.

How to take, edit and Post photos in Photovine:

This browser of Photovine is equipped with certain new qualities by which you can take, edit and post photos yourself on Instagram and Facebook. For taking the photo, either you can use existing photos or you can take the photos using the Camera of the mobile. As this browser comes with an Photo Editor and i.e. Aviary, you can edit the taken photos using this editor. On the completion of your photo editing, you can upload it wherever you want it to be posted like: Facebook, Twitter etc.

How to get Photovine:

You can freely download this software from photovineapp. Photovine is a really exciting software to play with. It is better to know it for yourself by playing on it.

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