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PowerShell 7.0.0 Preview 5 Released [Windows 10]

Microsoft released PowerShell 7.0.0 Preview 5 with several new features and bugfixes. Furthermore, they have announced that PowerShell 7 will be generally available in January 2020 as first Long Term Servicing release. Development of the next Preview is on track you will get the next release in November. In December, a release will also come out after alignment with the .NET Core 3.1.

In the further PowerShell 7 releases no features will be available as Microsoft will focus on bug fixes and quality improvement.

PowerShell 7.0.0 Preview 5

PowerShell 7.0.0 Preview 5 Released Feature

The preview 5 version of PowerShell 7 have many advanced features such as Null conditional operators for coalescing and assignment, notification, Tab completion for variable assignment. Furthermore, Format-Hex improved formatting, Get-HotFix, Select-String adds emphasis, ConciseView for errors, Get-Error cmdlet have made rooms in the shell.

The Release note on Github provides every detail of the changes. Note that the release version will be installed side by side with stable versions so you are able to use both at the same time.

You can download PowerShell 7 preview 5 for x86, x64, ARM32, ARM64, and Linux devices from here.

Source – Microsoft Devblog.



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