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Shortcuts to Access Control Panel in Windows 8

Shortcuts to Access Control Panel in Windows 8 – Windows 8 has developed its userbase among the past Windows XP and 7 users, but it gets difficult sometimes, for habitual users of Windows 7 and XP to perform some very basic tasks too. Windows 8 is a near revamp of the earlier series of Windows and finding the control panel in Windows 8 can also be difficult if you are not used to it.  This article aims at telling you how to locate the Windows 8 control panel.

The windows 8 start screen has an ‘All apps’ tile. Click on it and you will find the list of apps, along with the control panel tile listed in the ‘Windows System’. You also have the option to type ‘control panel’ in the search bar on the start screen.

You may also pin the control panel to the start screen itself. Just right-click on the control panel icon and select the option ‘Pin to start screen’. Apart from these, you have three shortcuts to gain access to the control panel.

Shortcuts to Access Control Panel in Windows 8

(i) Hit the keys windows Key + X. This opens a power menu in the right bottom corner of the screen. The control panel is listed in the options.

(ii) Hit the keys Windows Key + I. This will open the settings menu of the charms bar on the right side of the screen. The control panel is listed in the options.

(iii) Windows Key + R opens the run command window. Just type ‘control panel’ in the box and click.

Shortcuts to Access Control Panel in Windows 8

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