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How to Find Start Menu Folder Location in Windows 10

To rearrange a setting on your Computer the best practice is to access its concerned root folders then edit dealing with the items existing here. The condition also matches in the matter of the Start menu. If you are looking to renovate and clean the Start menu then after navigating to the locations where all the respective files and folders are placed you can perform these tasks pretty shortly.

The folders and files concerned to Start Menu in Windows 10 are placed at 2 separate locations; The first one is per user whereas the other address is for all users. When you navigate to both the locations, you can easily trace out the contrast amongst the two – per user will showcase the items of the individual user and all users will showcase the items that are available for everyone.

Suppose, two members of a family are using the same PC with two separate accounts and both of them has their own preference of Start Menu items and by going to the location, they can individually customize their likings.

So, remembering the things, let us interpret the steps for How to Find Start Menu Folder Location in Windows 10 to renovate according to your vantage, clear clutter furthermore place items with a short method and explore yourself to another world of customization.

Method to Find Start Menu Folder Location in Windows 10

  • Jointly strike Win and R keys to permit the Run to appear on screen where you can input these address accordingly –

Per user Location

C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu

  • But this address will permit you to access you the exact location when the [username] will be replaced/substituted by the actual username of your computer.

Windows 10 Per User Start menu

All users Location

  • C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu

Start Menu Folder Location in Windows 10 for all users

The Start Menu locations do not comprise the Metro apps and in any circumstance, if you are fervent to deal with them, you must execute it. We covered many articles on Start Menu and we hope that along with this, you can also find your queries answered there.

Many users prefer to maintain every single thing on their machine and want to maintain things in their perfect places and also adopt all the significant measures to keep the locations tidy and clean. Hence, once such example that people are occupied is to edit, organize and clean the Start Menu.

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