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Twitter enhances new features to embedded Tweets

Twitter – microblogging websites has enhances a new function that lets users to embed all their Tweets. As Tweets bring closer to far away people around the world and with embedded Tweets, one can interact and see others across the web. It would be nice to integrate it  with multimedia contents. Such integration does wonder while going to ‘Embedded Tweet’ option.

Twitter has decreased the number of HTTP request, causing faster loading rate of Embedded Tweets. It supports Twitter Cards. It includes Retweet and Favorite counts option. The Embedded Tweets show everything like: Photos / Videos, article summary etc which shared in a Tweet. It is now easier to embed a Tweet on your own website, just click on ‘More’ button in any Tweet on your Twitter account and then select ‘Embed this Tweet’ option.

To ensure people get a nice experience on Embedded Tweets, Twitter has updated design and several enhancement have been made. When you access your Twitter account these changes would be met.

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