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Twitter updates for Enhancement in Viewing Photos and Videos

Twitter has made several enhancements to stay ahead to nearest micro-blogging sites. It makes some changes to put cool effects on Images and Videos on Twitter profiles. Except Twitter Profile these changes will also be visible in search results.

As, I mentioned above that Twitter enhancements produce beauty while displaying  animated Twitter Images or Videos. One can see these changes while accessing his or her Twitter account. You witness Large Photos – right on the page and well equipped Media Galleries. Whenever you click profile page photo or search result images, it appears in larger version in existing Twitter Page. Such appearance replaces earlier viewing trends and mark with a new way of displaying Images and Videos.

Another Twitter enhancements lead to nice Video collection in Media Galleries. Twitter Media Galleries include popular videos from YouTube, Vine, Vimeo and other linking partners.

Massive enhancements produce brand new Tweet pages to have more conversations. You could see all important Tweets and Reply in even larger Tweet pages with smooth scrolling. Indeed, enhancements made by Twitter are enough to pose their tough challenge and entertain whole Twitter community.  Hoping, you all will step up with these Twitter enhancement for nice blogging experience.

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