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What is SEO? Know Search Engine Optimization before starting blog

seoWhen working on Internet becomes a profession and means of income, then a person comes to know about SEO. And this is such a field where everyone gets confused of what it really is. Is it a course taught in the degree college? Is it some sort of a book to be excelled before working on an Internet? Or is it some set of rules set by a computer expert? SEO is not known, but everyone knows about the various websites, social networking sites, various e-books and others.

Let me assume that the reader of this article is completely ignorant about SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is simply the set of strategies which person uses to promote his content on the Internet. The little things that are done to make the search engines like Google, Yahoo, AOL, MSN. Every specific search engine gives a particular rating to the websites which makes it search possible. Like if a word “books” are typed in a search engine, then, every single website, showing each and every content related to the word “books” is shown. The websites which are shown at the top and consequently are based on the rankings.

This is where SEO comes to play. It is some of the tactics and methods employed very carefully to get the maximum traffic and the highest ranking. These include writing very unique posts and blogs in the website, rather the content of the website is unique, creating good back links, buying good SSL certificates, having high servers, etc.

Understanding the Searcher’s preferences

This is where the difference is created between a one who creates a website and the one who uses it. The preferences used by the one using a website should very properly be known to the owner so that he is able to create good keywords to link his website content with the search terms. For example, a website related to studies basically contains all the posts related to studies and some of the articles contained in it have been linked with the keywords or phrases such as “how to study chemistry better” or “how to concentrate well during studies”.

Now when such terms are typed in the search box, these articles are shown. Again the page on which the article is shown or how high that article appears in the page is based on the popularity of that website which it gets by having very unique articles, getting good back links and etc, which come under Search Engine Optimization.

Understanding SEO better

SEO is best defined as the process for making both the search engine and the searcher understand the website better. It is a way of creating paths for the searcher to search better. There may be millions of pages showing millions of searches. So if a particular search appears on page 357 no one ever cares to visit it. So, it is basically the website owner must try to get his website on the highest page possible so that his website is visited. Some of the things can be done such as using of keyword tags for the better identification of the posts, relating the blog posts and pages by the use of anchor texts, linking of the blogs and websites which are relevant by the use of anchor text links, category identification with the help of keywords and others.

Thus, I hope this article basically gave you all the introductory knowledge you need to know about SEO. Now you can dive deep into its ocean.

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