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Why a website is given high Rank by Search Engine – SEO

seo for content writing
This present technology which is very sophisticated has made the search engines capable of understanding the web pages and shows them accordingly to satisfy the searchers. They themselves improve the performance by showing the best possible results. The qualities of a good website include:

  • Language easy to understand and easy to go through the page.
  • The information provided to a query is to the point and relevant.
  • Designed by professionals so that it is easily accessible by the modern browsers.
  • The content is of a high quality and unique and has not been plagiarized.

Though science has progressed so far yet, the search engines are not able to understand the pages in the same way as humans can. They are not able to understand the videos, images, flash files and others. For this, they depend upon some kind of information known as meta information. The use of data is very common which gives the search engine about the type of the pages people search for giving them the capabilities to show the best possible of them.

There are two criterion of site popularity. First is by the various SEO techniques involved such as keywords, back linking  structure of the site, HTML texts and others which make the search engine understand the site better. This gives them a good ranking. And the other criterion is the traffic. If the search engine has understood the page well and has ranked well for a particular search term then obviously the traffic for that site will increase, and various other sites will try to create links with this website for getting traffic for themselves thus increasing its popularity and its overall rankings. Thus both the criteria are interlinked.

Some of the qualities for a better content are as follows:

  • If a searcher opens the first result and then returns back to the results page to go for the other results, shows the fact that he was unsatisfied with the content of the first search. On the other hand if he hits the fifth search and then changes his query or closes the browser shows that he was satisfied with the content of the webpage. This is the information collected by the search engine. By collecting millions of such data, it analyses whether the search results are relevant and accordingly ranks the sites.
  • A good website with a satisfactory content and good ranking always gets a lot of links from the other websites, so that visitors visit the other sites also when these sites are visited. This increases their rankings and popularity, thus bringing them more traffic. Today’s link analysis algorithms are more advanced understanding the sites better.
  • The year 2011 was the year which revolutionized the way search engines understand the content. Google had incorporated the human evaluators to understand the pages. This then transformed to machine language which helped the websites work just like human beings. This was the time when the complex algorithms were understood much easily by the search engines and this affected the rankings of millions of websites.

Hope, this article has helped you a lot in understanding much better on this topic. Corrections and queries in the form of comments are always welcome.

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