Microsoft is about to introduce next generation operating system namely ‘Windows Blue’ on around August this year. Windows Blue will replace current Windows 8 operating version. As report suggests that Windows Blue to hit Release to Manufacturing (RTM) status in June after then it will be released in August 2013. Rapid launch of Windows Blue is something to put tough fight to nearest tech giant ‘Apple’ as well as consolidate all inclusive user base.
Though complete details of changes made by Microsoft in Windows Blue are yet to come. But, unknown sources claim that Windows Blue has lots to offer. It will come with Modern User Interface along with improved Charms Bar function. Modern User Interface of Windows Blue allows better customization in Metro Apps and High Resolution display. Developer includes absolutely new kernel version in Windows Blue to increase devices performance in any circumstances. Windows Blue will consume less power than earlier Windows version. In Whole, Windows Blue is much similar to current Windows 8. The most interesting aspect of Windows Blue is that anyone having Windows 8 ownership will easily upgrade his device to the latest version without paying single coin.
Still, Microsoft has not commented about initiation of Windows Blue or set time frame to introduce new breed of operating system. We put above information on accordance revelations made on Win8China in recent past. Until arrival of Windows Blue, step ahead with Windows 8.