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5 Best Education Apps for Windows 8 / 10 – Features and download link

Awesome Windows 8 is available with enhanced features worldwide. It has been admired more and more by Windows fans. Windows 8 has produced new interface like start screen which feels about next generation experience.  The start screen contains App store that is used to install new apps openly. The craze of Windows store is rising rapidly these days.

For students, window 8 has released several useful apps in the education category. In this post, I have discovered 5 best education apps from the Windows Store.

1.  Learn Windows 8

The learn Windows 8 app keeps valuable info. It assists you to get familiarized with Windows 8 characteristics particularly useful for its new fans. It denotes general thoughts such as – importance of start screen and its functions, metro search feature overview and more.

learn windows 8 app

Download Learn Windows 8

2. English Club

Now Windows 8 fans may improve their English skill through English Club app. This app is divided into two sections – Business phrase and Advanced English. Complete English improvement tips are offered especially for students. 

english club app for students

Download English Club

3. NASA Be a Martian

This app is designed to know about Planet Mars related info. Students who have Windows 8, may install NASA Be a Martin app rightly. It contains complete coverage of  Mars, its mission record, revised Curiosity’s journey with fresh images, animations, detail concerning latest discoveries.

nasa martien windows 8 app

Download it  NASA Be a Martian from store 

4. Programming Tutorials

For computer programming lessons, this app offers video tips too. It provides lessons about several programming languages for example – 1. Java,  2. My SQL, 3. C++, 4. HTML5 and 5. PHP. The main page of this app refers several sections to get update lessons and its contents. Every lesson keeps playlist option to view video for every chapter.

windows 8 programming tutorial app

Download Programming Tutorials

5. Phonetics – A student’s handbook

Phonetics app is important for those students who are trying to learn an extra language. It offers new words of phonetic spelling, pronounces words from built-in dictionaries. The app provides phonetics preface, unique sense of the word and many more.

windows 8 phonetics app

Download Phonetics – A student’s handbook

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