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Allahabad Bank Net Banking Login Problems and Solutions

Allahabad Bank Net Banking Login Problems and Solutions – If you are using Internet Banking in Allahabad bank sometimes you might get problems and error messages while you are Logging in. These Error messages prompt due to certain causes like pending activation, three logging in invalid attempts, user validity expires, lack of transaction facility, the old version of browsers and something else. But every problem comes with its solution. So Allahabad internet banking troubles have its troubleshoots. Here we are explaining to remove the problems during logging in when you are using Net Banking of Allahabad Bank.
Recommended: How to Activate Internet Banking in Allahabad Bank

Allahabad Bank Net Banking Login Problems and Solutions

  1. If you get the message Enter Correct Login Password then you should firstly check your user ID. After then, Check your Password you have entered. If you have forgotten your password then submit a request to re generate password with your CIF or Account no. to the Customer care of Allahabad bank.
  2. After seeing the message User has not opted for Internet Banking download the application form, register for Net Banking and then submit this to the nearest branch of this bank.
  3. Message User pending for activation indicates that you have to contactthe nearest branch to get your user ID after activation for Net Banking in Allahabad Bank.
  4. If you get the message User Dormant for not login in last 30 days then send a mail including with CIF or Account No. to the Customer care at Allahabad bank to regenerate password and your user ID of Net Banking will remain same.
  5. If the message is Your Internet Banking has been locked for the day due to three invalid attempts then there is no way, you should try next day to Login Password.
  6. After finding the message User Validity Expired you have to contact the home branch to get your user ID activated once again for the Internet Banking in Allahabad Bank.
  7. If the message is User already logged on. Try logging in after closing the current session then check whether you are logged on in another window, otherwise try after 10 minutes to login into a new session.
  8. If you get the message Your request could not be processed then you should try after some time to Login. This problem occurs only when there is a communication problem.
  9. After getting the message Your account does not have fund transfer facility then please contact your home branch. Although you can contact where account is maintained to get the transaction facility in your account.

If you are getting more trouble messages then you can contact them on its number (022) 27836061/62/63/64/65/66 ext 510 or 702.

Although you may send an email to the Customer care at Allahabad Bank for further inquiries.

You can find Allahabad Bank customer care Numbers and email id through this link: Allahabad Bank Customer Care

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