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Arrange Wallpaper with SyncWall with Multi monitor Support on Windows

SyncWall is an application that has the function to arrange the wallpaper. Users set their desktop wallpaper according to their wishes with some special appearance. You can synchronize wallpapers with other workstations. It has the feature of multi monitor support. It can add several special effects like sepia, gray, invert color, and many others in your wallpaper before displaying the wallpaper. Means that you can edit your wallpaper image and add special effect in it for making it beautiful.

SyncWall In a glance:

  • It has the facility to set the time to change wallpaper. You can set different wallpaper for various time.
  • SyncWall has some functional keys to change the desktop wallpaper.
  • The big advantage of this, you can share wallpaper with multi monitor support feature.
  • Many methods of background filling and re-sizing the wallpaper.
  • It supports all the basic formats of wallpaper like BMP, JPG, PNG and others. But you can also add some more formats to it according to your necessity.

This SyncWall has come in new version i.e. 1.7.4. The size of the file is 10.56 MB. SyncWall is compatible with different operating system as Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. The SyncWall is absolutely free and you can simply download it by given link.


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