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Things to know just before WordPress Installation

wordpress installation

WordPress is very well known for the easy installation. Taking a simple 5 minutes, it is a very easy process. Such tools are now on offer by the web hosts which cause automatic installation of the WordPress for websites. The following content will make it easier.
Before installing WordPress: Before the installation process, the accessing of the site and the directory and the software should be done which includes:

  • An access to the web server.
  • Any web browser of personal choice.
  • A text editor.
  • An FTP client.

Installing WordPress:

  • Checking whether the web host has the minimum requirements to run the WordPress is the first and the foremost requirement.
  • Downloading the newest version of the WordPress would be most convenient.
  •  Unzipping a compressed file on the hard drive is to be done.
  • The secure password for the secret key should be made ready.
  • For remaining handy during installation,  the page should be printed

The famous five minute install:

  • The first step is the downloading and the unzipping of the WordPress package.
  • Before installation of WordPress, A database for the WordPress on the web server should be made as well as a MySQL user has the facility to access and modify it.
  • Renaming the wp-config-sample.php file  to wp-config.php is the next process.
  • wp-config.php should be opened in the word editor where the database details must be filled.
  • This leads to the generation of a secret key password.
  • On the desired location on the web server, the WordPress files should be uploaded.
  • the WordPress installation script should be run,  Then, after access      wp-admin/install.php                               in a web browser
  • Thus, a successful WordPress installation is complete.

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