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Best 5 Blogging Platforms – Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, Posterous

Blogging is definitely one of the best gifts of the Internet to the world. It is an amazing way for the world to know about your ideas, views, opinions and arguments on anything under the sun. Now, it does not require you to be a famous film star or a politician to make your voice heard. That perhaps is the best reason why the number of blogs on the web just keeps increasing with each year. In that respect, it would be interesting to know that which five blogging platforms currently are the best to post your words. Here is a list that mentions in brief the five most popular blogging platforms.

1. Blogger

The IT giant Google has it’s presence felt in all the prominent markets related to the web. Blogging is no exception as Google provides a web-based and free blogging service by the name Blogger. The most attractive feature of Blogger is it’s easy usability. It takes at most 15 minutes for anybody to enter Blogger for the first time and publish a post. The set up is extremely easy. Apart from that, it allows a drag and drop based template editing, dynamic updating and edition cum publishing of articles via popular editing software as Google Docs, MS Word, Windows Live Writer etc. It has a feature called Geo-tagging that caters for geographical location-based blogging. With a 100 user limit it allows one to go beyond single editorship.

2. WordPress

The most known name in the world of blogging, the amount of options that this platform offers you to enhance your blogs is it’s greatest feature. The set up is not as easy as the Blogger but the number of options, plug-ins, themes provided thereafter compensate this problem more than enough. It allows you to either let WordPress host your blogging page or create the same on your own server, absolutely free. The other advantage that this platform offers is that you can have a number of bloggers blogging together and overseen by a primary administrator. This particular website, for example, uses and encourages others to adopt WordPress as their platform.

3. Square Space

It might not be a free service but still Square space is a popular choice amongst bloggers as their platform. The pricing ranges from $8 – 50 per month. Although, these figures are based only on the volume of blogging space you use per month. Thus you are being charged only for the amount of content you are using up each month. Irrespective of what rent you pay, the features available to every one are the same.

4. Tumblr

A platform that is somewhere between Blogger and Twitter, the Tumblr is an interesting blogging platform that does not cater to lengthy blogs but short, multimedia blogs. Though it supports shorter blogs these are longer compared to the Twitter updates. Hence the Tumblr is not a micro blogging site at all. It is meant for those who aren’t ready to invest much time into typing regular blogs, but at the same time want to express themselves. The picture and video supportive style appeals many informal bloggers to try their hand at short blogs before commencing on regular blogging.

5. Poaterous

The most simple blogging procedure that is available on the internet is provided by Posterous. Absolutely free of any sign-up or set-up, all you need to have is an e-mail id. Type out your blog as a mail and send it to and Posterous creates your profile by itself while posting your mail blog instantly. Again, it is not a micro-blogging site as your posts can be as lengthy as you want them to. It just rids you of all the blogging formalities and keeps it simple by implementing mail based blogging.

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