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Best Social apps for Windows 8 / 10

windows 8 social apps
Windows 8 genuine edition is available in the market store for purchasing from 26 Oct 2012. A few months ago, a trial version (Windows 8 RT) has been launched to aware its newest things. These version has placed People app on start screen which prompts updates notification and permits you to share fresh post to Facebook and Twitter respectively. The People app also displays whole contact lists of social accounts. But the People app has no option to share from additional social apps. Due to lack of few other features, some window 8 users dislike it.
After exploring windows 8 store page in order to get official app of Facebook and Twitter, I have shortlisted 7 preferred and best social apps so far. These are:

1. Tweetro: This app is used to act on twitter. Tweetro is already explained in the previous post.

2.  MetroTwit
An awesome MetroTwit app is ready to fulfill twitter’s needs. There is no live tile anywhere in it. It shows updated tweets with photos and replies option in single column. MetroTwit app supports in handling every activity on Twitter.

metrotweet app for windows 8
View more info about Metrotwit app

3.  FlipToast 

FlipToast app permits you to view updates in social accounts on single click. Detail on this post id given in the previous post.

fliptoast app for windows 8
See details

4. Skype

One of the best calling service Skype app is available for the Windows 8. It has come up with combination of Skype features and Microsoft Messenger. Inside Skype app page, user may view recent calls and recent call logs. It shows also complete contact book of built-in people app rightly.

skype app for windows 8
Skype app details

5.  NGReader

NGReader app is alternate option Google Reader for Windows 8. It shows quick review of recent headlines and news info while tap on any tile. With stylish mode, the app shows recent feeds and stories in list view respectively.
nextgen Reader app for windows 8
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6. IM+

It is specially designed to work as Instant Messenger (IM) in the Windows 8 environment. IM+ app helps to make online chat with different IM services like Yahoo, AOL, Windows, Facebook, Google and others openly. This app main screen is fairly plain. But some limitations of IM+ app are as follows – it is unable to find control buttons to block unknown people and during offline, users don’t get email alerts to reply.

im+ app for windows 8
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7. Free Talk 

Similar to Google talk service, a new app Free Talk has been developed for Windows 8. Every Google talk features such as Free calling, free send SMS, Free online chat, and others are available inside Free Talk app.

feetalk app for windows 8

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