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Best Tools for Teachers to Conduct Online Exam to Test Students

This is the era of computer in which we are living. Nowadays, all the works are done online whether it be shopping, booking movie tickets, gymming, reservation on trains and many others. Teaching is too done online. You can get several certificates only  by doing the job online. There is no need to present in the class physically. You can listen to the classroom lectures just by sitting in your room and eating pop-corn. Where all this facility has become available, there is a need of proper online exam to test students so that class or grade could be awarded to them in an efficient manner.

In this article, i am going to emphasize on various tools which can be used by professors or teachers to conduct online exam how much did their students are gripping on the materials which are covered in the lectures. Some of the best tools for teachers are described below. At the last of each tool you will find a link from where you could download the tool immediately.

1. Socrativeonline test tool

Socrative is a very effective system which empowers professors to test students. It consists of a series of educational exercises and games which can be easily operated on your PC, laptops, tablets, windows phone or smartphones. It is developed by MIT graduates. It is a fully free feature available on all the browsers and is compatible with all iOS and Android devices.

How this tool works

This tool is a login-based system. It can be opened on smartphones, tablets, laptops and many others. Teachers login in this tool through their own device to set various types of questions in this tool. Again, students login here to give the set assessment. There is a feature of various types of questions in this tool like : Multiple Choice, Objective Type, Short Answer Type, Quick Quiz and many other forms. Once the students have completed their task their answers could be seen by teachers through a spreadsheet or through the emailed Excel file.

Note that various types of patterns are present in this tool using which you can take online exam. It depends purely on the teacher’s interest that how the test he conducts. It can be opened by all the famous browsers like Mozilla, Google Chrome, Opera Mini and others.

Salient Features of this tool

  • It saves a lot of time of the teachers.
  • No need of checking Multiple choice questions, it will grade them on behalf of your.
  • Students find it very interactive and useful.
  • Access to a detailed report of the students’ performance via either email or download after the teacher ends the assessment proves to be very useful.

Get Socrative

2. QuizStar

It is one of the best online assessing test tool used mainly to conduct quizzes online. It is a completely free tool however it is a add-based program. You can get rid of the ads if you upgrade this tool which will cost you some money. Instructors could operate this one directly from workplace or home. However, students can login  it too from anywhere, give the online exam and could see their marks online. The Quiz paper could be shared between the fellow instructors.

Salient Features of this tool

  • Could be used to manage classes and take quizzes.
  • Question Paper can be created in various languages.
  • Multimedia files can be combined to the questions if there is need of doing it.
  • Students can review their answer-sheet once they have completed the online exam before time.

Get QuizStar

3. ThatQuiz

ThatQuiz is an online testing tool used by several teachers to test students in the subject they teach. It is too a completely free, simple and very easy to use. The main feature of this tool is the simplicity and the ease of using the online assessment. It is not as advance as the above mentioned tool Socrative, still its simplicity is what attracts most of the teachers to use it.

Once you visit the official website of this tool provided at the last you will see that there are a lot of sections describing different subjects like Mathematics, General Knowledge, Science, Vocabulary etc. Again each of the section is subdivided into many categories like Mathematics is divided into integers and that is again divided into several sub-categories like: algebra, inequalities, exponents, factors and algebra. In this way the other sections are too subdivided into their subgroups.


  1.  Using this tool , teachers can set the difficulty level, time of the quiz and the length of answer script. 
  2. This tool allows Free Account only for teachers. Students can access to this tool by the codes sent to them by their teacher.

Salient Features of this tool

  • Available for almost all types of languages.
  • It allows visitors to see the online interactions between the Teacher and the Students as well as access to the public library.

Get ThatQuiz

4. QuestBase

QuestBase is a completely free, login based tool used to take the online assessment test. It is a cross Platform application which provides one everything to take the test online in a very effective way. The assessments, tests, quizzes and the exams are created on this tool in a very efficient manner. It can be used to take the online exams both printed as well online. This tool could also be used for selection tests, psychological tests, satisfaction and opinion surveys etc. You can get the feedback as well if you wish to through this tool.

How this tool works

You can create the assessment from any device and from any place you wish to. You can decide the layout according to yourself. After doing it you can decide whether you are going to take the assessment online or printed. If you desire to take the test printed, just print multiple copies of it or even in different versions and distribute to your students.

Salient features of this tool

  • It is a single and best solution for multiple needs like  for web-based training, distance learning, needs assessments, CBT, course evaluations and many others.
  • It can give you both either printed or online test exam paper.
  • Provides the results quicker.
  • It is completely based on your desire i.e. the way you want to set the paper.

Get QuestBase

5. Go To Quiz

This is a login based tool designed to take online quizzes, create a poll and multi-result test. This is a very awesome and amazing online assessment tool. This is designed to take three types of online test:

  1. The Test: Single Answer type objective questions. One who is giving the test can see the answers and his scores once he has completed the test.
  2. The Classic Quiz: Questions may have more than one answer and there is partial marks for partial answer.
  3. The Multi-Result Quiz: You set your answering type for each different questions.

Once you opt any of the mentioned test, you will be asked to go further to second step where you will be asked some basic questions before setting up the questions. You should create a password for this quiz also. You can decide here whether everyone is going to take part in the online exam or only your friends only. Once you are done  you can set a URL for this Quiz and there you are with your new Quiz set-up.

Get this tool

6. Quiz Revolution

Quiz Revolution is used to create interactive quiz content for your website or blog quickly and easily. You can create your own account using your email id or you could directly signup here using your social media accounts. This tool is a awesome and impressive tool. This is used to create a interactive and fantastic quiz. You can make your quiz using your own brain in a possible different styles all depending on yourself whether you want it to keep like the others or you would like to make a few or more changes.

This tool comes for free. However for better working and other cool and amazing features you have to upgrade this tool. You have to buy Premium Packages which are at different prices for different things like : Personal, Home, Small Business etc. You can search here for the most popular quizzes too and then could go for it for the evaluation after solving it.

How to create a Quiz on this website

For creating a Quiz paper, go to the Create Quiz section. After then select there the type of quiz you want to create. Click on the Create Quiz button to start making the quiz. Note that you must be a registered user to make the quiz. There is no limit on the number of questions you are willing to make on this site. However, you should make small Quiz as it attracts most users otherwise they feel bored.

You can add small video, images and texts while creating the online test. Once you have set the quiz, you can review the users paper by just opening your account at My Account.

Key Features of this tool

  1. There are also Facebook Quiz Apps embedded in this site.
  2. There are a large number of interactive Multimedia Quizzes.
  3. It is used to entertain and collect data.
  4. There are free online quizzes on this site.
  5. It has its embedded Quizzes on different websites.

Get Quiz Revolution

7. Quibblo

Quibblo is a different kind of test assessing tool online. There are a lot of sections here describing the procedure of taking the online test in a much impressive manner than the others online testing tool. Clicking on the Quizzes topic will take to a new window where you could see different quizzes on different materials like: Books, celebrities, Personality tests, Fun and many others. You can search for any particular quiz on any topic by using the Search option available here. If you are willing to make the quiz of your own, you have to make your own profile. membership in this tool is absolutely free. You may connect to this tool using your social sites account.

You can search about different aspects of it in the Stories section. There is a special section here on its official website describing a Video and Game section. Video section is there describing the different things on the quibblo. Again, game section is there consisting of different quizzes on different games. You can play games too here to enhance your knowledge about games too.

Get Quibblo

All the above mentioned tool are really very awesome and fantastic tool which can be tried for taking an online test or for any other assessment. In most of the above mentioned tool, if you are the Quiz Setter you can give the scorecard by just opening to your own personal account.

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