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Bitdefender Safepay – Secure browser for Online Banking, Internet Shopping

Bitdefender has released a browser app for everyone that allows you to access safe and secure web browsing. It is currently available in beta version in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions for windows. The name of the browser is Bitdefender Safepay and works in full-screen mode. This secure browser performs a vital role to do the actions of e-commerce, online banking and internet shopping secure and keeps user’s responsive information protected from hacking, phishing, tracking. Safepay comes with a group of advanced features plus cloud technology to avoid online frauds, malware and phishing scams.

Firefox and Chrome are judged as a general purpose internet browser in present days. The Microsoft’s sponsored Internet Explorer is also rising continuously to make feature-rich internet browser over the internet. But Internet Explorer doesn’t carry bright future while it is compared to the other internet browser. In these circumstances Bitdefender Safepay can play an important role.

bitdefender safepay browser

How to use Bitdefender Safepay on your computer ?

  • To start the browser, you need to sign in with your MyBitdefender account.  If you have not then you can create a new account free using your email, Facebook, Google or Microsoft account.
  • As soon as you signed in, you will get the main web browser interface launched on the screen. The interface of the browser app seems dreadfully stylish, colorful and sporting dark gray blueprint from top to bottom.
  • The Safepay browser app automatically scans your running programs for viruses, malware and other threats. This feature makes sure that if any programs are infected with malicious threats, it is barred from acting together with the browser interface. This protects from every type of malicious tools like keyloggers or other spyware.
  • You can click on the triangular red buttons at the top sides to go back and forward between your desktop and Safepay.
  • The Safepay browser app supports a tabbed interface that starts browsing multiple websites at the same time. It also supports Opera-like Speed Dial feature and lets add bookmarks as desired for quick access.
  • The browser also offers a built-in virtual keyboard for safely online transactions and private surfing. This type of keyboard is used to check the status of hardware connected keyloggers, get rid of option to lose your passwords, financial details, and other alert information.

Download Bitdefender Safepay

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