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Breaking News for Windows 8 to Keep Updated with Real Stories

Breaking News is a nice application for Windows 8 providing you the facility to know about what is going on outside in the real world. You don’t have to open any news channel. This app is a subset of where you could get all the top stories. All you have to do is install this app in your windows machine. It is a free app, and it comes for Windows 8. Using this app, you could be able to get all the latest up-to-the-minute hot breaking news from all around the world on your windows machine. This app could run in the background thus providing you the multitasking facility and along with it provides you new information and provides you all the breaking news.

The interface of this designed in an impressive manner. You will love the simplicity of presentation of different news. A screenshot of the interface of this app is shown below:

                          Breaking News for Windows 8

You could have the access to this app from the section News and Weather of Windows 8 App Store or you could simply visit its official website from the link provided at the last of this article.

How to use Breaking News app on Windows 8

After its proper installation, a window will pop-up like the above-shown figure. This window consists of a bulletin-board screen which comprises all the breaking news headlines which are currently going on all around the world 24/7. This app is powered up by NBC News Digital Network. This app provides all the real-time feeds restricting the fake news. This app is very handy especially when you want to get the news on the go. All the breaking news are flashed on the left side panel of the screen. You have to click on any particular breaking news, and that news will be shown in the center with all the details. Headlines of different news are very catchy here and arranged on the basis of freshness as well. News written here are completely understandable and uses basic english.

There is sufficient news about a particular day arranged on the basis of new, old, and very old on this app which you love, however, if you love reading news you could press Read more on Clicking here will bring you to its official website. There is one another feature present in this app and i.e. Windows 8 Share Charm (Win + H) using which you could share any news with your friends and family.

Key Features of Breaking News App

  1. Completely Free App and is very easy to use.
  2. A nice breaking news app.
  3. Provides you a push notification on bigger stories.
  4. The facility of sharing stories using your windows 8 sharing charms.
  5. Refresh the updated news automatically.
  6. Scan the latest updates in seconds from news sources across the globe.
  7. Live screen on the start screen.
  8. Get 4X more updates than @breakingnews on Twitter


This is a beautiful app for those who want themselves to be updated on current news, breaking news etc. There is no such facility of storing any particular news to your favorite. Despite it is one of the best windows 8 app. This app provides you continuously updated with the biggest breaking stories as they happen 24/7.

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