Radeon ProRender Blender Beta Builds Released with Many New Featuresby SunitaApril 28, 2020February 3, 2024Software
Ventoy – Create Bootable USB easily with ISO (multi-boot support)by GApril 21, 2020February 3, 2024Software
CCleaner v5.64.7613 Rolled out with a New Health Check Featureby SunitaMarch 5, 2020February 3, 2024Software
Radeon ProRender plugin Update for Maya Q1 Beta Builds Releasedby SunitaFebruary 22, 2020February 3, 2024Software
HotCorners for Windows 10 – Set Events to 4 Corners of Screenby SunitaFebruary 14, 2020February 5, 2024Software
Adobe Flash Player is Available to Downloadby SunitaFebruary 11, 2020February 3, 2024Software
PropertySystemView – Change File Properties and Metadata on Windowsby SunitaFebruary 4, 2020February 5, 2024Software
Media Player Classic / MPC-HC 1.9.0 Released with Dark Mode Supportby SunitaJanuary 1, 2020February 3, 2024Software
OfflineInsiderEnroll – Be a Windows 10 Insider without Microsoft Accountby SunitaDecember 26, 2019February 5, 2024Software
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 19.021.20058 Released with Bugfixes and New Featuresby SunitaDecember 10, 2019February 3, 2024Software
NVIDIA Studio Driver 441.28 WHQL Update is Available for Windows 10by SunitaNovember 18, 2019February 3, 2024Software
Top 10 Best Tax Preparation Software for Professionalsby SunitaNovember 9, 2019February 3, 2024Software
PSScriptAnalyzer v1.18.3 is Out to Prevent Leak of Runspaces [Windows 10]by SunitaSeptember 17, 2019February 5, 2024Software
SecureUxTheme Removes Signature Verification of Styles from Windowsby SunitaAugust 15, 2019February 3, 2024Software