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How to Pay CESC bill Online at Kolkata

To pay CESC bills Kolkata online is very convenient for consumers, because in the offline method they have to wait in long queues at office counters. It is a very hectic task. In the modern era of information technology, Internet has  made this work very easy.

Now one can pay his Kolkata electricity bills online through CESC website with the help of internet banking, credit or debit card. Calcutta Electricity Supply Corporation (CESC) has also offered online bill payment facility for their customers. To  pay CESC Electricity bill online Consumers (LT) should follow these steps:

Pay CESC bill Online at Kolkata

1. First of all, you should go to the  online payment page available at Official Website of CESC through this link

Pay CESC Bill Online

After pressing the above link, a page will be opened like this.
How to Pay CESC bill Online at Kolkata
2. If you need to pay monthly bill Go to the button below monthly bill. You have to choose here the payment method whether you want to pay the bill using Credit Card or Net banking.

CESC Electricity Bill Payment through Credit or Debit or ITZ Cash Cards

  • Click on Credit, Debit, ITZ Cash Cards button.
  • You will be taken away to the page like underneath

How to Pay CESC bill Online at Kolkata

  • At first, check the box against I agree to the Terms & Conditions.
  • Write your 11 digit consumer number.
  • Select the month you have to pay for.
  • Check the round box for the card you are using whether it is Visa or MasterCard or ITZ Cash Card.
  • Fill up the CAPTCHA
  • Finally, click on Submit button
  • Next page will open for confirmation. If your information are right, check the box next to I confirm that above details are accurate.
  • Click on Confirm.
  • Now you can see your CESC electricity bill for the particular month.

How to Pay CESC bill Online at Kolkata

  • Check the box against terms and conditions and click on PAY NOW.
  • You will find a pop up written Are you Sure you want to proceed.
  • Click on OK.
  • On the next page, you need to choose the card. Click on Master Card image if you have master card and click on the VISA card image if you have Visa card.

How to Pay CESC bill Online at Kolkata

This will direct you to card detail page. Write Card Number, Expiry Date and Security Code. Finally Click on PAY NOW and follow the instruction you get. Your will

How to Pay CESC bill Online at Kolkata

CESC Electricity Bill Payment using NetBanking

  • Mark Tick in the box ahead of Terms & Conditions.
  • Write your consumer number in appropriate box.
  • Opt for the month in drop down for which you will  make payment.
  • Write the matter of  CAPTCHA in the box.
  • At last hit Submit button
  • Next page asks to confirm your detail. Watch the page carefully and take a printout if you need. If given details are correct, check the box next to I confirm that above details are accurate.
  • Click on Confirm button.
  • CESC electricity bill for the month you have selected comes before your eyes.
  • Check the box before the verification statement and ultimately click on PAY NOW Button.
  • Choose the bank from which you want to pay the bill from drop down menu and click on the Button Make Payment.
  • This will take you to the payment gateway from where pay your CESC Bill.

Here, all options are given. You can pay either of Monthly Bills, New Connection or Extension of Load Charge, Online Name Transfer, Online Account Application, Puja Bill. For these purposes, you can pay through Credit Card, Debit Card or Net Banking.

In this manner, you can pay your CESC Bill online very easily.

73 thoughts on “How to Pay CESC bill Online at Kolkata”

  1. I paid the Bill the amount Rs,1580 has been deducted from my Bank,got the confirmation of receipt from CESC, but could not get the e-receipt.

  2. Iwant to pay our electric bill com. no.44140136007 and com. no.44140135001 for the month of feb.16 through net banking (debit card) please advice.

  3. I have been paying my CESC bills through netbanking.
    Will I get an additional discount if I pay through a Debit card or Credit card.
    Please reply urgently as the due date for my current bill is very near.

  4. I paid my bill but didnot gt any confirmation but amount has been debited from my account. How to check whether the payment is processed properly or not.

  5. Sir, For last two days I am unable to pay bill on line .I stuck in payment gateway.It is showing continuously’ loading” but payment gateway is not
    coming.Pl.tell me how to overcome this.

  6. I am getting following message if I try to pay electric bill online for consumer : 68011136025

    please help.

  7. my consumer no :02190055008 ,my electric biil has not reach at my address every month .for this reason can’t bill payment at right time and i will payment with duplicate bill & late fine every month so i request you pl.see the matter & take action as soon as possible. thanks

  8. Vikash Chandra Murarka

    Dear Sir
    I am Trying to pay my Electricity Bill for the month of March 15 through my SBI Debit Card (Maestro Card), but there is no option for Payment through SBI Debit Card.
    Kindly Provide SBI Debit Card facilities

  9. Dhrubajyoti Mukherjee

    At present I am out of station and hence have been trying to make payment through net but cannot open Is there any sort of problem with this website? Please suggest how to go about with the payment.

  10. I have tried several times to pay my CESC bills
    through online payment option. But it can not

  11. Today 1st time I have tried to pay my cesc bill on line using credit card.I have tried thrice but every time after clicking on “PAY NOW”
    que counter cash system. V.R.Das

  12. Where from I can download CESC’s ECS Form? so that I can fill up it and submit to Bill Desk office, along with cancelled cheque and last paid electricity bill. Please help.

  13. Paying CESC bills online on regular basis..CESC is offering discount on online payment but actually CESC is collecting more than actual bill amount. In nov14 bill amount was 820, but actual debit was 822 in my credit card.Money wise there is no benefit.

  14. i cant able to pay my online bill for the month of october through credit card. my customer id 19000053763

  15. I am trying to submit my schedule bill from last 2 days, but not able to do this. Is there any kind of server related problem is going on ?

  16. How can I change the email id where communication is being sent? The link given above is not working.

  17. My consumer Number if 07060102005. I tried to pay my electricity bill online but failed two times as when I am going to put PIN of my Debit Card it is saying WRONG. But with same
    PIN I am drawing money from ATM. Even after saying PIN is wrong, I immediately went
    to nearby ATM and verified my PIN and found it is OK. How it is possible ? Is your system
    not working properly or any mistake on my part ? Please clarify the matter and mail me.

  18. myself Ankur , i have already paid my aug bill by online net banking ,i have got my receipt also, but how to confirm CESC got the payment / whether my monthly charges is already paid or i have to pay it again??????? pls reply.

  19. I’ve been paying bills online for long. This time I’m confused as to how to make e-payment. There’s no gate way to pay the bill.The format mentioned in the present article is missing. The page I was accustomed to run into when the necessary web site for e-payment was clicked does not open up now…Please go back to the earlier procedure which was customer friendly and hassle free.

  20. Every month I am depositing Electric bill (CESC) online using my credit card but this month an additional information such as RR no required which I unable to locate so I failed.

  21. Your comment is very much justified. I do agree. CESC must take up the matter immediately for avoiding harassment to the consumer in general.

  22. Today, I paid my CESC bill online, where it was showing my OLD Email-id. I tried to update/change my Email-id, but, in vain. Therefore, the payment information has been possibly sent to that invalid email-id. Please help. How can I change my Email-id.

    Ajay Bhowal
    Kolkata 700075

  23. My consumer No. is 05290042115. But while searching for bill status or on line payment, it shows INVALID CONSUMER NUMBER? How Strange ?

  24. Sakumendra Nath Kumar

    I am a consumer at Rishra, want to pay bills through Bank ECS, I have a S/B a/c with Allahabad Bank Rishra Branch. Please let me know the way of initiating payment through ECS
    An early action will be appreciated

  25. After pressing Proceed button a message is shown on the window that “SORRY, ONLINE PAYMENT NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE CONSUMER AT THIS MOMENT… “. How do i pay online?? Plz help me out..

  26. Sudhir kumar Midya

    My consumer 05000425601, Every time I pay through my Debit Card, But this time system is not allowing to pay online,Please help me.

  27. Dibyajyoti Sarkar

    ****** SORRY I TYPED THE DATE WRONG !!!! ******

    Yesterday (26/5/2014) at around 11 AM.

    It has been 24 Hours since then and yet there is no update to my payment history.

    My due date is till 30/5/2014..

  28. Dibyajyoti Sarkar

    I paid my bill for the month of April 2014 using my Debit card and I also got my receipt. The amount was deducted from my account as well.

    But the only problem is that under the Consumption / Payment History tab I can not seem to find this particular record. It shows no information in the Amount Paid, Payment Mode and Date of Payment fields. I was not sent any confirmation email from CESC as well.

    I’d like to know how long it takes CESC to update their records ?

  29. On 17.05.2014 on line payment was done for april 2014 bill, but payment receipt for consumer no: 59088009002 was not generated, payment released from kotak bank & i received sms from bank.Transaction ref no:0015590985 for rs.2262.49 on 17/05/2014

    Consumer no:59088009002
    Transaction reference no :0015590985
    Payment done rs.2262.49 date & time 17.05.2014
    Kindly send the receipt through e-mail –

  30. Where does RR Number present in Electricity Bill. While paying online, it is asking me for filling with 10 digit RR NUmner.

  31. I like to change my e-mail id & My consumer no. is 05151070001 under south regional office What should I do? – Nirmal sarkar,Flat-8,A/172 Baghajatin,Kol700092

  32. tapan sinha mahapatra

    my consumer number is 1018601511. this is a 10 digit number. however payonline is asking for 11 digit consumer number. so, i am not able to pay online. please help.

  33. Hari kishore gupta

    cesc service in intenet payment is very bad only axis bank payment is applicable why not other banks??????????????????

  34. How much time it takes to reflect. Coz after paying the bill for Feb 2014 I checked the payment history and the page is still not updated (after 12 hrs) with the online payment history


    payment regularly through online no problem . But month of october 2013 payment through also net banking but yet not receive ON LINE PAYMENT RECEIPT but credit from my bank account with transaction ID. kindly sent payment receipt through e mail .


    CONSUMER NO – 6322001100

  36. How can this guy tell u why axis bank internet banking is not showing. He just passed few info. You better needs to ask electricity dept why they r not accepting axis bank internet banking… So bogus questions…

  37. dear sir , i am ajit paul residing at 8d , baishnabh ghata lane , kolkata- 47 , my consumer number is 08218086088 ,i have tried to pay my electricity bill online but it showed me that transaction was unsuccessful but i have tried again and the reply was same , but unfortunately both the time the money is being deducted from account , than later unknowingly i have paid it by cash at the cash counter ,
    si i would like to request you to reply me weather i will get my money back or not

    please reply

  38. Can you please tell me whether CESC would charge anything extra for paying bills online, and is it safe?


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