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Cockroach Hunter Windows 8 / 10 Gaming App – Full of Interactive GamePlay

Cockroach Hunter is a free Windows 8 gaming app. In this game, all you have to kill the cockroaches so that you could save your burger. It’s a very simple game, however there are levels in this game so that one could really feel the intensity of playing a game related to your own survival. The game play of Cockroach Hunter app is really lovable which has been plotted in the next section elaborately. There is not any limit on the time, however  there’s a limit of the freshness of the burger.  To achieve the highest score, you have to kill all the cockroaches which you came to see about until the burgers are fully infected.
The interface of this app is very attractive and adorable. The background black shade really looks bright here on this app. A screenshot of this app is shown below:

Cockroach Hunter Windows 8 game app

Get Cockroach Hunter Windows 8 app from the link provided at the last of this article. This can also be accessed through game category of Windows 8 Store.

How to Play Cockroach Hunter Game

Once you have Cockroach Hunter app, install it properly on your windows machine. Running this app will open a window which is shown in the above shown figure. It’s the game play of this Windows 8 survival game app, that makes it a good and fun game app. This game is never going to stop unless your burgers are completely damaged. So, you have to focus on killing them and make the highest score. They are very fast, and can reach to the burger quickly and damage it. The smaller cockroaches are little faster and they take one click to die whereas, bigger ones moves slowly and takes double click to die. You should first focus on killing those who are closer to the burger in comparison to those coming from the corners.

As from its game play, it might look very simple, however it is a bit challenging. At the initial period of your game, you will find it easy, however as the game proceeds it becomes tough and challenging. In this very game, game starts with too many cockroaches on the screen. Again, some cockroaches are also entering on to the screen from each side slowly. It moves faster when you have survived long in the game. So, you have to keep a proper control on them and score the highest.

Note:- Cockroach Hunter game has been created for 2D screens, however the screen, graphics, animations all look really great. There is easy controls i.e. all you have to do is to click on the cockroach once you find it and make it die. Getting scores by killing them off is a good thing and notice that the small one carries one point while the bigger one carries 3 points for each cockroach.

Key Features of Cockroach Hunter Windows 8 App

  • A completely Free app
  • Fun and amazing graphics
  • A fantastic Game play
  • Full touch & non-touch device support
  • Challenging game leveling
  • Full of interactive & addictive game play
  • Can be played on snap-view mode
  • Loving Interface and graphics

Final Note

Cockroach Hunter is a nice app totally based on surviving yourself. It is a fun, lovable but addictive game. So before trying this game on, be sure you do have time for it otherwise it will cut off time out of your busy schedule. There is one thing lacking here on Cockroach Hunter app and that is lack of music which could have added charm to this app. Overall, this is a worth playing game.

LinkCockroach Hunter

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