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Create Your Animated Collages on Windows 8 / 10 using Flip Saver App

Flip Saver is a free windows 8 app which could be used to create animated collages which you can use as a digital photo frame or a night stand photo viewer. Flip Saver app could also be used as something to put on your computer screen when you are away. It collects the photos which you allow it or the photos chosen by you. After choosing the photo, you put them into a collage. This app flips through your photos to create a stunning animated collage which then could be used to impress your friends, family or coworkers. It is used by all types of professionals whether it is a photographer looking to show off your latest work in a funny way or a business looking to showcase your products. It is used by a wide variety of users across the world.

The user interface is very tidy and profoundly shining, and as it seems from the looks of it, you can easily see that a lot of work has been put in the development of this app. It is designed in such a way that people find it very useful. You will find this app very smooth while running this application on your Windows 8 machine. A screenshot of this app is shown below:

Flip Saver app for Windows 8

You may install the Flip Saver app from the link provided at the last of this category.

How to use Flip Saver app

Once you have properly installed Flip Saver app on your windows machine, a window like the above shown screenshot will pop up when you run this app. All you have to do in this app is that you have to put down all the photos you want to add here in this app. After then this app will make a collage using all the photos which were initially put down by you here on this app. This app would create a stunning collage using your own images. The interesting thing about this app is that it continuously animates your collage. You could also use Flip Saver on your night stand while you sleep.

Note: Flip Saver is Exclusively Available on Windows 8.

Key Features of Flip Saver app

  1. Totally Free Application.
  2. Nice and Uncluttered Interface.
  3. Allows you to add as many photos you want to add.
  4. Changes Photos at random and animates your collage.
  5. Brightness, Contrast, and Sharpness level could be changed to make your collage beautiful.
  6. Update your collage the moment you like to by adding new photos to it.


Flip Saver is a worth trying app.  On my test device, I experienced no lags or crashes whatsoever while running this app. You will love this app when it creates a lovely collage for you.

Get this app here:

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