Steam is a website that allows you to play, create, buy, download, connect and do various other stuffs related to games. It is a totally fun-base website. It has a large collection of different types of entertaining games. Here, you find more than 2000 famous games with high graphics. Great number of people use this website to play, download and buy games. It gives you exclusive deals, automatic game updates and many other great perks too. This is a right place to create contents and share it with your friends. You can send gift items to your friends as well as you can give your feedback in improving your favorite games in the coming future. It is available for all types of OS like windows, Mac Linux and Ubuntu. You could also get access to it using your TV or mobile.
How to use Steam to Play Game
Clicking on the link provided at the last of this article will bring you to the official website of Steam where you could see a lot of beautiful games floating by. At the right topmost corner of this website, you see an icon of Steam which could be used for installing this app in your device. Games here are available in different languages. You have to choose it before installing. This is a login-based website. You have to sign up on this website to download any game in your PC or mobiles.
There are a lot of sections on this website which are described below:
1. Featured Items
This section shows you a caption of different games. You could stop at any game just by hovering your mouse at any passing game. You could also use the next and previous button to see the coming games and that which has just passed. There is a subsection too here which gives a list of featured games for windows, Mac and Linux.
2. Games
Clicking on this button will present a list of games based on different categories like strategy, action, adventures, simulation, casual and many others. There is a list of free games present here in this section.
3. Software
This section gives you the access to movie making tools, artsy where you could Create, organize and communicate your game vision. You could also create interactive stories, characters, objects etc. There are other things too here like Bitmap2Material which helps you generate full, seamlessly tiling materials (normal map, height map, specular, etc.) from any bitmap image, 3D Coat which has all the tools you need to take your 3D idea from a block of digital clay all the way to a production, 3DMark which includes everything you need to benchmark your hardware and many others useful tools.
4. Demos
This section provides you a free demo of recent released and most popular games.
5. Recommended
Once you have made a personal account here at this site, and write down your personal tastes about the games, this section will provide you a proper details on the sites which you might like.
- There is a section at the middle of this website which shows you a collection of different games based on New Releases, Top Sellers, Coming Soon and Special.
- In the news section, you could know about different games in details like the off percentage which you are getting on any of the provided or displayed game.
It is a very nice website allowing you the access to a large collection of entertainment games. You could join the community of this website to chat with its other users and meet new users. This is a must try website for those who love playing new games.