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Download WinLock for Windows 10/8/7 to Lock Opened Windows Easily

Suppose you are using Windows-based computer system and someone pleads to use your computer or laptop on urgent basis. The situation like this leads you to close or minimize all open windows and offer your system to such persons asking for Such instance causes loss of important data and certainly, on the basis of losing content, no one will offer their computers. To take such issue ‘WinLock’ application is developed. It allows users to lock and hide their open windows to prevent another one to access existing windows. The next part shows features of ‘WinLock’ application as well as provides navigation link to get a particular application.

‘WinLock’ is a pretty useful application. Its user’s friendly interface does wonders with Windows 7, 8, 10 operating system. Once you download ‘WinLock’ application you could manage to prevent unauthorized users to assess existing windows contents. It is handy windows utility application that protects privacy matter and assures you to none can access opened windows. To make active WinLock application you need to download it from below link then after configuring password to provide maximum protection. You may show or hide ‘WinLock’ Icon after pressing Ctrl + Space key collectively. Clicking on to ‘WinLock’ icon and putting configured password leads to non visualize windows contents.

Download WinLock Application


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