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Elgoog – Enjoy and make a fun with reverse of Google

In this modern era technology is on apex. In upcoming days which new application will come before you, you can’t imagine. Just like that GOOGLE has launched a new tool ELGOOG. Can you guess, what this is? If you see its letter you will get that this has been written GOOGLE from reverse like a mirror image. Exactly, you are right. This new tool has the same function. It shows everything in reverse like an image in mirror. Actually ELGoog is for fun.

Features of ELgoog

You can search any site, images, places and other functions, but you get everything written reversely. Every word as search button, I’m feeling lucky button is in reverse order. When you go on  google homepage there you see in right upper corner there is a  sign in button. But when you log on to elgoog homepage you find that sign in is in left side upper corner in typed reverse. If you Wanna to try and enjoy it click on this link…


In search box of GOOGLE while typing the keyword to search it was started to type from left side, but in elgoog it will be typed from right side and in image effect. So this is a funny tool which is launched by google. It is specially for entertainment. After searching when you open any site then that very site is also appear written from reverse means if  written water then it will show retaw as water image.

One more thing is added to this elgoog. That thing is that when you are on elgoog homepage on this homepage you see some more attractive images below the search box. These are also the tools of google. Earlier you see the Google LOGO is remain unchanged and stay at same place. But now with this new tool ELGOOG you will get a new appearances of  google. One side where you see the Google in reverse order. Now you see the google is flowing in see. All those imaginary tools are given here.

Underwater, Gravity, Terminal, Pac-Man, Guitar, Bing Image, Location and BingMirror

Each tool has its own feature. For example if you click on Underwater tool then all thing begins floating in water. Elgoog logo, search box everything starts floating. So start enjoying and get pleasant of this new tool. If you want to experience new tools then click  on given links and enjoy it.

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