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ESET Social Media Scanner: Application to clean your Facebook

Are you living with the malware threat that possibly could infect your Facebook News Feed, Wall, Message counter etc ?  If yes, then you would be looking for help from certain quarters to take this challenge. Facebook, concerning with your possible cause, has inducted an application that is known to ‘ESET Social Media Scanner’ to sort out malware threat issue.

ESET Social Media Scanner is a valuable, free to use, Facebook application. The application scans your Facebook setting and check anything suspicious or infectious either in Profile page, News Feed, Private Message etc. Anyone can also check their Facebook friends walls and receive notification regarding suspicious link with ESET Social Media Scanner. Apart of scanning Facebook wall, it can scan your computer system as well.

So far as using ‘ESET Social Media Scanner’, you have to click on below link then after logging in with your Facebook Account. Once give prior permission to access your Facebook account, it  functions effectively. ESET Social Media scanner may post status updates on your behalf  you when it is needing urgent basis to intimidate your Facebook friends about possible threat.

The application made pretty assure that your Facebook News Feed, Wall, Private Message etc are not infected. When infectious items are found in the certain section, ESET Social Media Scanner notify you through email subsequently disinfect these items with immediate effects. Whether you like sync with ESET Social Media Scanner, just click below link.

Download ESET Social Medial Scanner (Facebook Application)

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