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Extend Longevity of Android Phone Battery by 50% with Du Battery Saver

Du Battery Saver is a free App of Android devices and phones. This new app extends the longevity of your Battery by 50%. This new App solves the battery related problems. Using this app, you can simply keep your phone working when you need it and protect against poor charging, power hogging apps and overlooked device settings that can shorten your battery life.

The interface of this App is very nice and attractive. It is designed in a very impressive manner so that user find it very friendly while working inside it.

Different Features of this App and on How to use it

once you have installed this app in your Android device, just open this app from its icon. A screen will pop-up like the above shown screenshot. You can see various other options too in its home screen like: Temperature, Voltage etc. In the above figure you can see some of the options which are mentioned below:

  • OPTIMIZE: This option is used when you are willing to optimize your battery life. It instantly discovers and fix power-consumption problems and unlock detailed settings to super-tune your savings A screenshot of this is shown below:

DU Battery Saver android

You can select different Manual Power Options or saver recommendation to optimize battery life.

  • Saver: This feature is used to save power options by adjusting different sections. A screenshot of this is shown below:

Intelligent Mode-Switching: It automatically switches saving modes based on the preferences adjusted by you: There are two levels in this feature which are described below:

  1. Battery Level— Switch to Long Standby when the charge reaches a specific level;
  2. Time Schedule — Switch to any preset mode based on time of day;
  • Charge: Using this feature, you can charge your battery using constant care.  You can select different options on how to charge the whole battery. 

                                     DU Battery Saver android

Some Other Specific Details of this App

Using this App, you could exactly know how much the charging has been done and how much charge you’ve got left with detailed analysis of apps AND hardware thus giving you an Accurate Status.

There is a special feature of My Mode in this app. A screenshot of this is shown below:

                                            DU Battery Saver android

Using this feature, you can choose mode that fits your usage, or customize to find the right balance of battery life and performance. Some of the different modes are described below:

  1. General Mode — When you are running all the services it is working.
  2. Long Standby — In this mode, you can read your Messages as well as dial your phone.
  3. Sleep Mode — This mode decides to switch off almost all services except clock.
  4. Custom Mode — You can set mode as you wish through this.

There is another special feature of this App i.e. Charging Records. It consists of all the charging numbers and on the specific date which has been done. A screenshot of this feature is shown below:

DU Battery Saver android app


Conclusion :

Du Battery Saver is a must try App as it saves a lot of energy of your battery when there is no use of it. Saving battery and increasing its lifespan becomes very necessary when you are going for a party. There you feel it very important as there you would not be able to recharge your Android mobile for a long period of time. You can download this app from the below given link:

Download Link: Du Battery Saver&Switch Widget

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