Facebook Browser is one of the remarkable application supported by Windows 8. Microsoft launched Facebook browser for Windows 8. It behaves like a web browser which is a great thing. Facebook has become a very necessary tool these days. A lot of social activities are done on FB. We have become so involved on FB that we get to know about various current news here through our friends, family, etc. A lot of advertisements, videos, news, information have been flooded on the homepage of FB. This is why Windows has tried to make an app based solely on this so that users could find it more useful. The layout of this app remains the same except the supplemented with the excellent features of Windows 8 in terms of Windows 8 Charms and the intuitive way which is generally liked by users.
The interface of this app is similar to that of a normal FB page just with some additional tools of Windows 8. It is a pretty cool and fantastic app. A screenshot of this app is shown below:
You could have this app from the Entertainment Section of Windows 8 App Store. There is also a link provided at the last clicking on which will bring you o its official website.
How to use Facebook Browser App
Using this app on your Windows machine is not very complex. You could learn it very easily. Once you have installed this app on your Windows machine, you could see an icon of it in the Metro UI interface. Clicking on this app will open this app with FB homepage. All the things like Home, Profile, News Feed, Photos, Events, and friends icon are shown on the left. Every basic option i.e. right from viewing your wall, to posting a status update, or uploading a photo, liking and/or commenting on your friend’s post, or viewing your messages, and chatting as well has remained the same. It’s just the appearances which have changed.
Don’t change anything on this app from the normal FB page has its reasons as it has not only makes it easy for the users to use the app but also, they’ll not feel the uneasiness of trying something which they don’t know.
Accessing this app first will ask for your username and the Password to open your account. After logging in you could do whatever you want to do with this in a new style. Again, here you could also use the Windows 8 settings charm i.e. Win+I to change the settings of your FB account.
Key Features Of Facebook Browser App
- A completely free and very easy to use Windows 8 App.
- It takes a very little space of your windows memory.
- Know about your Facebook friends.
- Sharing photos or videos could be directly done using this app.
- You could also post updates on Facebook using this beautiful application.
- Various features that are generally available at FB are available here too.
- Requires very little space of your memory system.
- Combined with Windows 8 features give it an awesome look.
Facebook Browser is a must try app as it allows you all the basics features that are generally provided by its official website. You can get access to this application from the link provided below: