In addition, Feathers theme is a lightweight, and user-friendly app as well. The set of background image occupies only 13.27 MB space on your Disk drive that is not a big deal. By default, this application is available in the English language and there’s no age restriction to use it. Furthermore, the most pleasant part of this theme is that you’re able to get this at a minimum of ten Windows 10 systems. For this, just downloads this application with the help of your Microsoft account.
Feathers Windows 10 Theme
Here is how to download Feathers Windows 10 Theme –
Step-1: Open a browser and visit the official Microsoft’s page of the theme.
Step-2: On the following screen, click on the Get button you see there in the blue color.
Step-3: Here, a confirmation message will appear and ask you to ‘Open Microsoft Store‘. Click on it.
Step-4: In a moment, this application will open in the Store, hit the Get button.
![Feathers Windows 10 Theme [Download] - Image 1]()
Step-5: Now, select the Install button and wait for a while as this may take a few moments to complete the task.
Step-6: On installing, an Apply button will appear on the Store interface. Click on it to apply the theme on your desktop.
Step-7: Ultimately, the Theme Settings page will appear on your device. Now, move to the right pane and select the Theme to adorn your desktop.
System Requirements
To work the Feathers Windows 10 Theme on your device, the following requirements need to meet.
- The architecture should be either of x86, x64, ARM, ARM64.
- Your device must support “English (United States)” language in Windows.
- You need to have Windows 10 version 14951.0 or greater to open this product on your system.
- In addition to this, the theme has no issue of any age restriction. It is also available at the free of cost.
That’s all!!!