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FirstAidTips Windows 8 / 10 App – Know Ailment, Symptoms, Treatment

FirstAidTips is one of the finest Windows 8 apps. This is basically health app giving you full description, symptoms, treatment as well as prevention steps for any particular ailment or disease. You can also see the causes which result in such diseases. FirstAidTips app also gives you a facility of searching for any particular ailment of your choice. If you are well known about any disease, this app also provides the opportunity to share your own ideas on any particular ailment using the windows 8 Share Charm. Using FirstAidTips app you can know about first aid for Normal Cuts and Burns to Bites of Honey Bee, Snakes, etc. Along with this, it also tells us about Steps what to do in case of bleeding or General First Aid steps in case we are not sure of what causes the injury.

The interface of this app is pretty good. All different parts are categorized in the different sections which helps you in getting right thing at the appropriate time. A screenshot of this app is shown below:

FirstAidTips windows 8 app

A link has been provided at the last of this article from where you can have the access to FirstAidTips app.

How to Use FirstAidTips Windows 8 App for Normal First Aid Steps

Once you have this app installed on your windows machine and run this app, a window will pop up like the above shown screenshot. Here, you can see different ailments arranged properly. In the Bites section, you will only see proper details related to different bites. Again, in the Burns and Cuts section, you can see various causes that can result in these cuts like Fire, Chemical, etc. Going right side to this main screen, you can also see various sections like Bleeding, General, and many others.

How to go for any particular ailment

As said earlier, in the main menu you can see dozens of diseases and you can find their symptoms, prevention right here. All you have to do is to click on any particular disease and there you are with its proper details. An image of this has been shown below:

FirstAidTips Windows 8 app

Here, in the above screenshot, you can see that all the symptoms, cure, prevention have been listed down properly. This is true for all cases. Just click on any of them and know about them in detail. For each of the category that is available here, there are a number of ailments that will be available to you as you get to that particular type. Now what is nice about this app is that you will be able to get good coverage on a particular ailment. Thus, from the available detail, you can know about almost all necessary things related to any particular ailment.

FirstAidTips Windows 8 App not only allows you to find out any particular diseases, but you could search for any particular ailment about which you want to know in detail using Windows 8 Search charm. You can add your valuable information too here if you have knowledge about any particular disease using Windows 8 Share Charm.

Key Features of FirstAidTips Windows 8 App

  1. Completely Free App available in Health & Fitness Category
  2. Gives a good description of any of the ailments, its symptoms, causes, prevention, etc.
  3.  Interface is quite soothing with good graphics
  4. You can add your valuable information about any particular ailment
  5. You can search for any of the ailment just by specifying the name of any disease

My Note

FirstAidTips is a very nice application of windows 8. Knowing symptoms about any diseases solve half of the problem as it is said. This app talks about providing you the proper symptoms which are really a good sign. This app also gives us valuable information about the prevention as well as the treatment of the app which is no doubt a very good thing. I love FirstAidTips app and i just want to say that You should also have this app in your windows devices. The database of this app is not that strong, but it might get strong as the time passes.

Get FirstAidTips here

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