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Fix: Account Picture Error Windows 10

You all prefer to Personalize your Windows 10 PC in different aspects. One such option is to Change Account Picture but recently users are complaining about an issue. When they attempt to set a custom image, the system throws a message on the screen saying Account Picture Error. The pop up doesn’t provide any further support link to resolve the problem. Key reason for the error might be some unknown technical issues but another possible cause could be the non-activation of Windows 10. So, the first thing you need is to Activate your Windows, if it is not and secondly, do a small tweak in the User Account Pictures folder to mitigate the error.

Account Picture Error Windows 10 Pic 1

Account Picture Error Windows 10

Here is How to Fix Account Picture Error Windows 10 –

  • Open File Explorer, go to the system root drive, i.e C: (Installation drive).
  • Click the View tab from the menu bar. Once the ribbon appears, click the checkbox against the option namely Hidden items. You can also get help from – How to Enable Hidden Files and Folders in Windows 10.

Hidden items checkbox programdata folder

  • This will display the hidden folders, click on ProgramData.
  • Now, navigate to Microsoft followed by the User Account Pictures folder.
  • Here, you can see all the default user images with different names and sizes such as defaultuser0.dat, defaultuser1.dat.

Account Picture Error Windows 10 Pic 2

  • So, to prevent Account Picture Error Windows 10, you need to just replace those images with the ones that you prefer to use. Just use drag and drop or copy and paste for the photo and place in this folder.
  • Change your custom images according to the specified format and size and then replace it with the default ones.
  • After doing so, the User Account Pictures folder will show all your personal photos only.
  • As the last step, restart Windows 10 PC and then you would be able to successfully change the user account picture without any hindrances.

That’s all!!!

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