You might find a weird issue when trying to subscribe on a Microsoft Developer program websites (such as Windows, Insider, Azure, Dynamics 365, Visual Studio). When subscribing, as usual, a pop up “Add phone number for security” appears. The prompt says “Please enter a valid phone number that supports SMS. We’ll text you a code that you can use to verify your identity” which is quite normal. But in spite of choosing a correct country code and typing your phone number when you click on Send Code an error is shown in return. The error is – “We’re unable to send the code to that number. Please provide a valid cell phone number and try again. MS-CorrelationId: e8d692fe-44f3-4824-970d-3ba8d2358616”. We are trying to provide fixes for MS-CorrelationId Error.
MS-CorrelationId might be separate for different users but the common thing is it appears although the cell phone numbers are correct. Don’t worry, numerous users are confused and upset about this unable to subscribe issue and they are trying multiple phone numbers to get the subscription. Until now Microsoft has not acknowledged the issue and provided any official resolution or even statement. See – How to Fix This sign-in option is disabled Error in Windows 10 or 11.
We’re unable to send the code to that number MS-CorrelationId Error
Here is how to fix MS-CorrelationId Error We’re unable to send the code to that number (Windows) –
Way-1: Make sure that the country code and Cell phone number are correct
However, several people complain that they feed correct information for Country code and Phone number but the error appears. Following ‘Nothing left wrong’ from your side make sure that the info you have given is accurate. Some users even report that after changing the mobile number or country code the subscription starts working.
Way-2: Submit a ticket
In case, the CorrelationId Error can not be solved anyhow such as using a different browser and changing phone number, go to the subscription support webpage for the developer’s program accordingly and lodge a complaint about your problem. For example, to do the same for Visual Studio, navigate to
Note that this error has been occurring for users of all countries for nearly a week. However, we suggest waiting a bit more if Microsoft comes along with an official fix. We will be among the fastest informer if any official solution or trick is found.
Some error codes that users came across –
1] MS-CorrelationId: d7d9f550-fb8c-4398-8394-e5192ed0ec6e
2] MS-CorrelationId: efac788c-bd0d-4ee8-a75d-16cc3f88d369
3] MS-CorrelationId: fd794dc1-31e2-4422-8d16-da09e49d3c9b
4] MS-CorrelationId: 24293d63-b93d-44c1-b2c1-83978132fb5d
Way-1: Make sure that the country code and Cell phone number are correct
Way-2: Submit a ticket
That’s all!!