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Fix Slow Performance when Copying Multi GB File in Windows 11 22H2 Error

After Windows 11 22H2 has been public users are reporting several problems such as Printer Allows only Default Settings, Undoing changes made to your computer, Broken Desktop Shortcuts (GPO), and other. Microsoft confirmed one bug about the slow performance of the PC when copying large file (>4GB) on 22H2.

The performance of the system may decrease by 40% when copying or reading process runs through SMB aka Server message block protocol. This regression in 22H2 essentially occurs when copying large files (multi-GB file) from a remote computer.

Slow Performance when Copying multi GB File in Windows 11 22H2

Here is how to fix Slow Performance when Copying multi GB File in Windows 11 22H2 –

As a solution, as recommended, use xcopy or robocopy with the suffix /J (unbuffered IO) parameter. For example –

robocopy \\someserver\someshare c:\somefolder somefile.ned /J

This command will bring your performance to 22H1 throughput back. The problem is not actually in Server message block code, therefore this is not an ETA for a permanent fix, however; SMB is just the most probable scenario to be noticed. You could watch this behavior even with local file copies not using SMB. We’re working with another team to understand this and get to a permanent solution.

Two Windows teams are is working with one another to understand this and find a permanent solution.

See –

1] Windows 11 or 10 Services to Disable for Performance
2] How to Optimize Windows 10 Performance to Get Ultra-Fast Speed

Source – Techcommunity

That’s all!!


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