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Free App to listen Hindi Songs on Android, iOS Devices: Dhingana

Dhingana is a free app using which you can stream for Hindi songs, Bollywood and Indian music and that’s too for free.  It is a nice app for those who have Apple or Android device and don’t want to download songs but prefer to listen and stream music. It also saves your money as well as time. It works really fast and you can also create a playlist of songs you love to listen. The interface of this app is cool, attractive and user friendly. It is basically designed for Indian people.

The different collection of music which you will find here are Ghazals, English, Folk, Bollywood and Regional songs. It offers you more than 350,000 songs in more than 35  Indian languages & genres like Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali etc. A screenshot of this app with some key feature is shown below:

dingana for android

How to create playlist and add music in Dhingana:

After the installation of this app in your device, you can browse for different songs and once you liked the song you can add it to the Player. For creating a playlist, all you have to do is to add multiple songs in a folder. If you are not willing to create a new playlist but want to have one, you can simply choose a playlist from the wide variety already present there.

How to create playlist and add music in Dhingana:

Working inside this app is very easy and simple. It just look like a normal music player where we control the various functions manually like the volume, next song, stop, replay and many more. You can see all the buttons right in the screenshot itself. You can also see the name of music and its duration on its home screen. At the bottom of the screenshot shown above, you can see some options of Gmail and others. Using this app you can also share the music you listening to your friends on Facebook, twitter etc. The awesome feature of this app like Play All & Shuffle features allow you to play any number of songs one after the other in Radio mode.

Key features of How to create playlist and add music in Dhingana:

  • You can easily access the top songs, top playlist, cool albums, new released music and many others.
  • You can create your own playlist and then share it with your friends through Dhingana community.
  • You can comment, like on different playlist created by others.
  • You can also search the songs by actor name, singer, movie name, year etc.
  • You get acquainted with the new released songs always.
  • The Radio features add a charm to this app.

How to get this app

You can have this app from the link provided below:

  1. For Apple devices: Dhingana App iDevices
  2. For Other devices: Dhingana App for Android


If you are interested in Indian or Bollywood music then Dhingana is the right choice for you as it has limited access to the English Songs. It is a very amazing and wonderful app for playing music. Its wide collection of Bollywood songs and simplicity makes it a must have app. That’s it…

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