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How to get Credit Cards with Low Interest Rates

As there are plenty of players that offer Credit Card facility, claiming with least interest. Majority of time their claims state either way. It is really unfair to pay more Credit Card Interest while utilizing this service. Whenever you met with the same fate then appropriate action needed from your side. Certainly, your act should be much nearer to an expert presumption.

The process, lowering Credit Card Interest Rate, begins with figuring  ‘How much interest you are paying‘. The current Credit Card Interest Rate could be known after getting latest credit card statement. After that, go with ‘Shop for Lower Rate’ and put online search of your credit card entity. Now compare the interest you are currently paying with a new customer. Then compare your Credit Card Rate to National Averages.

You can get national average information at websites like:,,, and

Once you find slight differences in Interest Rate then ‘Call your Credit Card Company’ and put your complain by saying current rate, your credit score. Also explain about other competitors offerings and ask whether they would be willing to work with you to give nice deal.

It is a reality that your credit card company accumulate more money through high interest rate. When you call to reduce the interest rate as per deed, be sure with all prepared information as mentioned above as well.

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