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Google App for Business and Education and Chrome Extension

Google has recently added new features to its App for business that could make its chrome users more effectively over various platforms. The new management programs provide ample space for the Admin panel or the Group policies to examine and customize 100 chrome policies and preferences for their users. These upgrades are basically available for the Google Apps for Business and Educational Customers.

Moreover, Google has also launched new features in Chrome that would allow the browsers to automatically switch to legacy browsers for the various Sites which requires the old browser for running. The feature is also known as Chrome extension. The sites which are mentioned above can easily be well defined by the IT managers. While the Chrome Frame will allow the users to use Chrome instead of old browsers.

All the Google apps for business and Education users are now enabled with a new Cloud based management system and the policies will be involuntarily imposed on its users who sign in for Chrome with their accounts also in Windows, Mac, and Linux.

The web applications, extensions, and startup URLs and themes could be involuntarily set up for the users, decided by the IT, irrespective of whether they use chrome or not. In addition to these basic settings, the  IT managers can also decide the way of working of the users, whether they could see certain pages like WebGL, Share locations, turn on browsing mode. Admins are also enabled to blacklist certain URL.

Google commented that the Browser has enabled various innovations over two decades and continues to do so for everyone at anywhere or rather especially at work.

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