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How Google Works – Crawling, Indexing and Result Serving

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Everyone sits on Google and fulfils his query, but no one ever tries to know about how Google does it. The basics behind it is very fascinating. It is very amazing to know how Google shows the search query and ranks the queries according to the search made.

The Google can be thought as a very large book with lots of indexes and references. When a search query is made, then the google programs check the indexes to make a determination of the most appropriate search terms which are returned as results. There are three key processes employed by Google in finding the relevant search terms:

  • Crawling: The new and the renewed pages are added to the google index by the Google Bots with the help of a process known as crawling. enormous collections of computers are used to crawl billions of pages on the internet. These operations are performed by programs identified as Google bot. An algorithmic process is exercised which devise the sites to be crawled, the time of crawling and the useful pages to be fetched from each site. With the use of the web page URLs which were caused from the previous crawls, the Google bot visits one by one website which is distinguished, detects new links, adds them and also adds the changes which were made to the existing pages hence updating the Google index to be used during next crawl.
  • Indexing: each of the pages crawled by the Google Bots are processed which leads to the compilation of a huge index all the words and finds out its location on every page. Besides this, the information which are usually held in the key content tags and the attributes such as the ALT attributes and the title tags are also made ready. Many, but not all content types can be processed by the Google bots for example the rich media files and the dynamic pages.
  • Result serving: When a search query is entered, the Google machines search the index for the matching terms and return the pages which are believed to be the most relevant. There are about 200 factors which determine the relevancy, one of them being the page ranking. The importance and the relevance of the pages based on the incoming links determine the page rank. All the links on the internet are interlinked. A website can link to other pages while other pages can get linked from the website. But all the links are not genuine. Google works very hard to determine the spam links from the genuine ones and also determines other practices which might be very negative to the websites. The best links are those that are gained by the quality of the content. Google should be able to crawl and index the site correctly to rank the site well.

These tips would be very helpful to design the websites most relevant to the Google search engine which will let it popularize the web page. Suggestions in the form of comments are always welcome.

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