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Google Introduced Acer Chromebook Features, Price

google acer chromebookVision to provide better and simpler computer to everyone was carried out by Google innovation called ‘Chromebook’. It’s easy to use and economical to buy features posed positive impact on mental state of common PC user. In earlier article, I have discussed about arrival of Chromebook in public domain as well built-in features & Price and the particular article is all about new inclusion of Chromebook family. The new ‘Acer C7 Chromebook’ is developed by technology giants Acer with Google itself.

The ‘Acer C7 Chromebook’ delivers superb computing experience. It’s built-in security features and speed of Data processing makes marvelous computing device to have. The ‘Acer C7 Chromebook’ comes with extra bright 11.6 inch displaying screen. It has fully clickable Track-pad and full size keyboard as well. Power of ‘Intel Core Processor’ is behind smooth functioning of Acer C7 Chromebook. It takes merely 18 seconds to boot up.  As far as capacity of disk drive, ‘Acer C7 Chromebook’ comes with 320 GB Hard Drive and 100 GB free storage capacity on Google Drive. The new Chromebook brings best of Google products such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, YouTube etc.

Presently ‘Acer C7 Chromebook’ is available on Google Play,, Amazon UK, PC World  and Currys. Within week ‘Acer C7 Chromebook’ will be available  at selected stores globally. To purchase single unit of ‘Acer C7 Chromebook’ users will have to pay 199 USA Dollar. Throughout below link you may book new ‘Acer C7 Chromebook’.

The New Acer ChromeBook

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